Page 74 of Sinful Sugar

“Stop it. You’re not dying.” He pulled me into his embrace.

“Oh, but she is and in the same exact way as my mom.” The guy removed a brown paper bag from his back pocket. “She couldn’t stand living after they brutally assaulted her. So she shot up her veins with enough meth to send her into the clouds forever.”

“Oh, God.” I fisted Art’s shirt, seeing the life I had been dreaming of with him flash before my eyes. I never felt more stupid than I did now. Why hadn’t I been brave enough to reveal Art’s and my relationship from the beginning? If I had, we wouldn’t be in this situation.

“Look, man. I’m sorry for your loss, but it doesn’t have to go down this way. Eve didn’t have anything to do with what her husband had done. That’s on the club, not her.” Art’s plea was commendable, but he knew as I did, his words would fall on death ears. This man wouldn’t give a shit what he’d said or about my part. He was out for revenge.

“That’s where you’re wrong.” He removed a syringe and zip ties. “The prez had told me the beating I got was for his old lady. He made sure to scare the life out of me back then with threats of killing my parents. He’d told me retribution was a bitch, but someone had to pay for his wife’s brother’s death.”

“Fuck,” Art hissed.

“Yup. The prez was right. Retribution is a bitch, but hey, you won’t feel any pain, Mrs. Knight.” He wiggled the zip ties in front of him. “I want you to tie up your lover, so he can’t rescue you.”

“You might as well kill me now because she isn’t tying me up so you can kill her.”

“I can do that.” He aimed his pistol at Art.

“No!” I jumped in front of him and put my hands up. “Please, don’t kill him.”

“Eve, what the fuck are you doing?” Art gripped my waist. “Get behind me.”

I shook my head. “I’m very sorry for what my husband did, but you have to understand, he was only trying to keep his territory safe.”

“I don’t give a fuck, lady. Tie up your man, or I’ll finish him before I pump your veins full of poison.”

I went to take a step forward when Art grabbed my wrist. “Don’t.”

“Man, you’re wasting my time.” He fired his gun.

Art pushed me onto the floor, making me scream as I felt the bullet whiz by me. Another shot went off. I coward covering my head.

His sinister laugh returned. “Goddamn, that felt good.”

I lifted my head to see Art. “No, no, no!” I yelled as I crawled on the floor to my love. His white T-shirt turned dark red on the side of his abdomen. “Art.”

“Baby, get to your purse,” he said in a faint voice. “I love you.”

I shook my head, bawling like a baby. “No, please. Please don’t die.”

“You both can rot in hell together.” He grabbed my hair and dragged me across the room. “You can watch your boy toy bleed out on the floor while you foam at the mouth.”

“Help! Help me!” I screamed and kicked, clawing at his hands, giving him the biggest fight of my life. “Somebody, help us!”

“Shut it, you pathetic cunt!” He wrapped his other hand around my throat and cut off my airways.

I gagged while struggling to break away. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Art trying to get to my purse. Jesus, there was so much blood; he was pale and weak. Still, he put every ounce of energy into keeping going.

I tried to keep this lunatic focused on me to give Art a chance, even letting the fucker strap my arm to the chair. He lifted me onto it and went to secure my other hand.

“You won’t get away with this.” I coughed, trying to catch my breath. “The club will take you out in the blink of an eye.” My throat was raw, but I had to keep him occupied. “A pathetic drug dealer like you is no match for the Knights.”

“Shut up!” He backhanded me. The force of the unexpected hit made me bite my tongue.

I hissed in pain and tasted blood.

“Not so fast!” He charged toward Art and struck him on the head with the butt of the gun.

“No, don’t hurt him!” I cried as I thrashed in the chair. “Please don’t hurt him. I’m who you want.”