Page 51 of Illicit Ire

A soft knock at the door had me perking up. It was either Libby, Patch’s nurse, or Ava.

The smokin’ hot nurse entered with a tray in her hand. “I thought you might be awake. I have your lunch.” She set the food on the nightstand. She didn’t take her time when she brought my meals or pain medicine. In fact, it seemed like she avoided talking altogether, especially when Ava was around. I had a distinct feeling “my girlfriend” didn’t like Libby.

“So, how about a sponge bath?” I gave her a slow wink. “You are the nurse, right? I think I’d like to freshen up.”

She stared at me like I’d grown horns out the top of my head. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I don’t remember when I last took a shower.”

“I’ll get Boxer to help you.”

“Aww, come on. What fun would that be?”

She considered me a long second. “You might not remember being in love with Ava, but I do. Everyone in the club knows how much you care for her.”

I pressed the back of my head into the pillow and laid my arm against my forehead. “Jesus, hearing the way you all talk about me, it’s like I was a different kind of dude than I remember ever being.”

Libby took out the bottle of pain medicine and put two on the tray. “I knew you before Ava and after. She changed you.”

“Changed me how?” No woman should’ve changed me.

“You stopped being with the kittens and didn’t party with the other guys as much.”

“Fuck, I sound pathetic. What’s a kitten?”

Libby bit the bottom of her tempting lip. “A club girl.”

I lowered my arm and propped up on it. “Tell me more.”

Another knock at the door stole our attention. It was probably Ava, which I wasn’t thrilled about.

Libby opened the door. “Hey, what do you need?”

“Who is it?”

A woman with pink hair moved past Libby. “Just me. I’m Becca. I wanted to see if there was anything you needed and to offer my services.”

“Services?” I studied the woman. She was pretty and seemed nervous.

“He doesn’t need your services.” Libby gestured with her hand for Becca to leave. “You know he’s with Ava.”

“Maybe before his amnesia, but he doesn’t remember her. The other girls and I thought we’d keep him company.” Becca shrugged with a flirty smile.

Anger flashed in Libby’s eyes. “Out. Now. If I catch you or any one of the other girls in here, I’ll tell Angel that you’re trying to move in on Ava’s man.”

“Jesus Christ, I’m no woman’s man.” My head started to pound. The tension in the room made me feel worse.

“Just because you don’t remember it doesn’t mean it isn’t so.” Libby shoved Becca out of the room. “Get gone, kitten.” She turned back toward me after closing the door. “Tell me something.”

“What?” I asked through gritted teeth. The pain was too much once the meds wore off. Patch had said sleeping was the best medicine to help my brain heal. I had to admit, I enjoyed being knocked out, so I didn’t have to worry about all this amnesia shit. The ultimate would be waking up and remembering everyone and who I was before getting my head smashed by a bat.

“Are you the type of guy who’s a dick to his girlfriend and cheats on her?”

“Don’t know. I only remember having girlfriends in high school.”

Libby handed me a mug of soup. “Try to eat. So, did you screw around on them?”

“No. But I was a pussy back then. Y’know, just grateful to have any girl show an interest in me.” I drank the broth of the chicken soup.