Page 56 of Illicit Ire

“Please sit down. You’re making me nervous.” She sniffled. “You can’t fly off the handle, Storm. You can’t.”

“You’re Matt’s wife. Knight’s Legion property. You know how it works, Sugar.”

“Don’t give me that property bullshit,” she snapped. “I’m a forty-one-year-old widow.”

I dropped back into my chair. “What are you saying? Spit it the fuck out before I lose it.” She knew the rules. Once claimed by a Knight, a woman belonged to the club. It was archaic, but it was what it was. Unless the member released his woman, she couldn’t be with anyone else—not even in the event of his death, like with my Uncle Matt.

“I can’t believe I need to tell you this shit. It’s personal, Storm. So personal that Tina doesn’t even know.” A tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m lonely. I have needs.”

“Are you talking about sex?” I asked in a cynical tone because I knew exactly what she meant by “have needs.” Fuck, I didn’t want to have this conversation.

“Yes,” she stated. “Do you know how humiliating it is to have to admit it to my nephew? I shouldn’t be obligated to tell you my needs and if I’d been with someone. It’s my own goddamn business.”

My face heated as rage rushed through me. “That fucker Turner! He knows better!”

“No, not him.” She snapped her mouth shut.

“Then who?”


I was taken aback. “Jack is missing a leg, Sugar.”

She snarled. “Don’t be a jerk. His dick still works.”

I fuckin’ didn’t want to hear this. “You and Jack? You know that won’t fly in the club. I’d have to bring your relationship to the table and take a vote.”

I didn’t think my brothers would vote no on setting Sugar free. We all loved her. She deserved to be happy and find love again. They’d just be shocked it was someone outside of the club. Who was I kidding? It didn’t matter who it was, because she was our Sugar. No one would ever be worthy of her.

“You can’t take it to the council.”

I cocked my head. “Why not?”

Panic flashed in her eyes. “Because you just can’t. I haven’t been with Jack since before the wedding in Las Vegas.”

“Why’d you break up?” If Jack had hurt her, I’d hurt him back. His missing leg wouldn’t keep me from finishing him.

Sugar groaned. “We were never together. We just hooked up a few times. He took care of my needs, if you know what I mean.”

Fuck yes, I knew. “But if you’re in love with him, why stop? I’ll take a vote to get you released so you can be with Jack.”

“I don’t want to be with him!” She jumped up and placed her hands on the desk. “Listen to me, Storm. I’m only telling you this so you’ll let me leave town.”

“And why do you want to leave town?”

“Jack cares about me. He didn’t want to end our arrangement. He wanted to claim me.”

“I don’t see the problem. Jack’s doing the right thing.”

She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter if he’s doing the right thing. I’m not in love with him. Promise me you won’t tell anyone about Jack and me.”

I had a distinct feeling there was more going on with Sugar. “Is there something else you’re not telling me?”

“No. I just want to put distance between Jack and me.”

“If you’re ready to start dating, you should be released from the club. I’ll do that for you, Sugar.”

She returned to the chair. “Please don’t tell anyone.”