Page 37 of Illicit Ire

It was lights out.



I winced when one of the fuckin’ Vipers hit Ire with a wooden bat like his head was a goddamn baseball. My brother smashed into the wall and dropped onto the floor, out cold.

Jesus Christ!

The fucker raised the splintered bat like he planned to finish the job by beating Ire’s head to smithereens. Not fuckin’ happening. I had no hesitation in ending the fucker’s life. I roared like a savage and pumped five bullets into his back. The bastard fell beside Ire.

Heart in my throat, I ran to my brother. “Ire?” I assessed him quickly. Blood dripped from the side of his head. A piece of wood the size of a chopstick poked out of his beanie hat. I couldn’t tell if it was piercing his skull. “Fuck! I need help.”

Boxer was at my side in second. “Jesus Christ!”

“We gotta get out,” I told him as gut-twisting fear for Ire’s life overwhelmed me.

Art moaned from the side.

“I got him.” Boxer carefully hoisted Ire in a fireman’s lift, like we’d been trained for in the marines. Ire was a big guy, but Boxer had no problems lifting him. I made sure the piece of wood sticking out of his head didn’t hit Boxer’s back before he ran out.

“Prez, we need to get out.” Hero had his gun drawn and used his body to shield me. I didn’t think it was necessary. We’d gotten everyone in the clubhouse, but my SAA was always on the defense when it came to protecting me.

I got Dodge’s and Wolf’s attention. “Get Art. Let’s go!”

We got the fuck out of the clubhouse within seconds. I wasn’t sure which cage Boxer had taken Ire to. He was nowhere in sight as we hoofed it to our hogs. I looked over my shoulder. Wolf had Art in the same hold as Boxer had had Ire.

Fuck, this wasn’t good, but it sure as hell could’ve been a whole lot worse.

“Did you see if they got the girl?” I asked Hero. Raul had confirmed they had her, but who the fuck knew if they’d gotten her in the cage when they left.


I turned my Bluetooth on. “Who got the girl?”

“Me. She’s in the cage.”

Over the chaos in my head, I couldn’t make out the voice. “Who’s me?”


I barked out orders. “Art is in a bad way. Ire is knocked out with a fuckin’ piece of wood in his skull. Maddox drives the cage back.”

“What about Ire’s bike?”

“Fuck. Let me find Hollywood.”

“What’s up?” Hero asked as we straddled our Harleys.

“Need Hollywood to bring Ire’s hog home.”

Hero looked around. “There.” He pointed behind me.

Hollywood was running toward us like his pants were on fire. I’d never seen anyone look so terrified. What the fuck?

Growling and barking stole my attention.

“Oh, fuck!” Hero shouted. “Dobermans!”