Page 94 of Hellbent Hero

I glanced at Raul, who appeared more than a little pissed off. So was I. Shit. Did they have something on the club? We’re they about to blackmail us? Force our hand at killing one of their own?

“Before you make your decision, there’s one hundred million in it for you.” Ciro acted as if his offer would seal the deal.Talk about arrogance.

I snorted at the absurdity. “One hundred million? Who is he, the Pope?”

Alessio made the sign of the cross as he muttered, “Nel nome del padre.”

I assumed that meant, in the name of the father. It was what I should’ve been doing too. Myabuela, God rest her soul, was a devout Catholic. Probably like Alessio and his family, despite being dirty and the head of a prominent Mafia family.

Totally disrespectful on my part for mentioning the Pope. But really, that was a fuck ton of money.

“No, not the Pope,” Ciro snipped as if his words were poison in his mouth. “My cousin.”

“And why do you want your cousin dead?” Raul calmly asked.

“Because he’s trying to kill my brothers and me so he can ascend to the head of the family. He’s disrupted our distribution for the last year, manipulating our dealers to join his side. Enough is enough.”

I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. “This makes no sense. He’s one man. Just hire an assassin to do it.”

Ciro went to a cart filled with crystal glasses and liquor. He poured himself what looked like bourbon and tossed it back. “There are three other families in Canada with whom we’re forming an alliance. We can’t risk losing favor with them. They’ve already spoken with him. Heard his sad, sappy story about us cutting him out of the family because he’s a bastard.”

“Well, is it true? You cut out your own blood?” Damn, the Remottis were brutal.

Ciro’s face contorted, turning red like he was about to blow the roof off his Italian villa.

Alessio raised his hand to his son. “My sister’s refusal to marry the man my father chose for her resulted in an illegitimate offspring. She whored herself out. Intentionally got pregnant to defy our father. Relations were severed. She was disinherited.” Alessio drew in a breath, training his eyes on his son. “Her son is vengeful. He wants mine dead.”

Damn, couldn’t say I blamed the bastard for wanting revenge but going on a killing spree was over the top.

“That’s rough. But still, he’s your family.”

Ciro poured himself another drink. “He’s also a vindictive, murdering, heroin addict who’s not playing with a full deck. He trusts no one except his cousin Holden and his bodyguard, Tony.” He swallowed his drink. “Last I heard, he keeps his girlfriend chained to the bed.”

Rage flashed in me. “Chained to the bed?”

“Yes. He’s insane,” Ciro spat the words.

“Well, report him. Where is he?” I glanced at Raul. I had a feeling he was considering the job because of the woman chained to the bed, hitting close to home for him. His wife, Tina, had been in an abusive relationship. She got out, but had to leave her daughter behind.

Ciro laughed as if I’d lost my mind. “Don’t tell me you don’t have law enforcement on your payroll. Casso Campbell is a renowned drug kingpin of the Pacific Northwest. His reach goes up to British Columbia. His sights are on Central Canada and Quebec. He wants the whole fucking country. He wants to end the Remotti family reign.”

Track leaned forward, elbows on his knees. He’d been taking it all in since we sat down. “Fuck, he sounds powerful. He must have a lot of men to protect him.”

Ciro rubbed the back of his head. “Which is why we need your club’s help. He’ll never see you coming.”

I wanted to take the fucker out just to save the woman held, assuming it was against her will. But get into bed with the Mafia? I didn’t think Storm would go for it. In fact, I was confident the club would vote against it. Although one hundred million might tempt a few to vote yes.

“And you can’t take him down with the help of the other families?” Raul asked, as if seeking clarification.

“No,” Ciro snipped. “Casso has brainwashed them. He’s like a demon in Prada. Alluring. Mesmerizing. Tempting. He can manipulate any situation or person to work in his favor.”

Damn, the dude didn’t sound human. Maybe he was the Devil in Prada.

A soft knock had us all turning toward the door. It opened slowly. The young woman I’d seen hiding behind the plant appeared. “Excuse me. Brunch is ready.” Her eyes landed on me, then she quickly tore them away.

“Thank you, Rosa.” Stephen put his arm around her shoulders and led her out.

Alessio stood, straightening his blazer. “Let’s eat, before you make your decision.”