Page 88 of Hellbent Hero

The little shit. He had steered me off course.

“Not here, Tara.”

I raised my eyebrows. Hero rarely called me Tara. He scooped up rice and beans, filling my mouth to the brim so I couldn’t question him without making a mess all over myself.

“Fine,” I mumbled as I chewed and swallowed. “I just know how much these visits mean to you. With Thanksgiving in three days…” My voice trailed. “Well, you said he doesn’t have any family. You’re his only friend.”

“It’s club business. It is what it is. I’ll deal. Now finish up so we can leave.”

Crap, he sounded irritated. I didn’t want him in a bad mood, so I shut my mouth and finished my supper. Whatever he needed to tell me, I could handle it.



I COULDN’T STOP thinking about us naked all day, then Roja asked why I wasn’t visiting Ryder tomorrow. Fuck, my horny mood plummeted. Just thinking about missing my visit with him was a dagger in my chest.

I parked my truck behind Tara’s car. “You’re quiet, Roja.” I lifted our joined hands and kissed the top of hers. I didn’t want any tension between us. “Did that second margarita make you tipsy?” I teased her a little.

“Tequila always makes me horny, big guy.” She gave me a sassy wink.

I shot her my best cocky grin. Those were just the words I needed to hear to know we were okay. “Then let’s get the fuck out of the truck.”

She pushed open the door and ran.

I hopped out and followed her to the porch. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt like this… playful and excited. I took the keys from her hand, opened the door, and motioned to go in.

Tara threw off her coat and set her bag down to greet Luna. The little furball was where we’d left her this morning, perched on the arm of the sofa.

“Hello, my baby.” She picked her up and cuddled her. Luna meowed as if telling Tara about her day. It was freaking adorable.

I came up behind her, encircling her waist with my large hands. Luna peered up at me curiously. She liked me. What wasn’t to like? I was a fucking awesome biker who played with her every day. I rubbed between her ears simultaneously as I kissed my woman’s neck, teasing her sensitive skin with my tongue.

Roja let out a soft moan. “Stop teasing me.”

“Feed her, baby, so we can get down and dirty.”

She exhaled an aroused breath. “Okay…”

I tracked her every move as I removed my jacket, cut, and shirt. The second Luna was happily eating, I attackedmyRoja. I lifted her off the ground so she’d wrap her legs around my waist. Our lips crashed together, carrying her to the bedroom.

She ran her hands over my hot skin, caressing my muscles. Her touch turned me into a weak man. Did she know she had me by the balls? Probably.

Putting my woman onto her back, I covered her body with mine. Smashing her into the mattress. She felt fucking fantastic under me. Made just for me. As I was for her.

“Hero,” she whimpered into my mouth.

I ground my rock-hard cock into her pussy, needing more. I’d always need more of her.

“Fucking missed you today,mi vida.”

“I adore when you call memy lifein Spanish. Never stop.”

“Never,mi vida.” I repeated the words for her. Anything to make my woman happy.

I kissed along her jaw, marking a trail down her neck, and lifted her sweatshirt. Only abandoning my journey to remove it. Not a second later, I slid my hands under her back to unhook her bra.

A radiant smile adorned her pretty face. “Your dexterity is impressive.”