Page 81 of Hellbent Hero

He raised his finger and pointed it at Jill. “You’re on thin ice with me, sister.”

She snarled her lip, glaring at Boxer. “Oh yeah, well you should care that I haven’t heard from her in months.”

“Care? You can’t be fucking serious right now, Jill. Care?” Boxer shook his head, hands fisted at his sides. The rage radiating off him was palpable. This man was about to blow. “I don’t give one flying fuck about that girl. She’s living the high life with her rich boyfriend. Good for her. Don’t mention her again.” He stormed off.

“I can and will, asshole,” Jill shouted after him. “See that? That’s why I don’t mention Snow.”

“How can he get so angry? Hasn’t it been years since he was with Snow?” I asked, far too curious to stay quiet.

Jill sagged in her chair as if guilt weighed her down. “It was an ugly breakup. Excuse me. I need to pee.” She dashed away.

I turned toward Maddy. She had a contemplative expression on her face.

“What?” I nudged her elbow.

“Something doesn’t feel right.”

“Don’t say that. Life has been pretty darn amazing. Don’t jinx it.” I lifted my mug and took a sip. “Seriously, why invite trouble?”

“Where’s my woman?” Hero shouted from behind me.

I peered over my shoulder as he moved toward me with a swagger like no other. Damn, my man was sexy as fuck. Sinful and fucking beautiful with that cocky smirk on his face.

“Let’s go, Roja.” He bent over and kissed my cheek. “Now.”

I pressed my hand to his. “Bossy much, big guy?”

“Yes, baby. I am.” He took my hand and tugged me out of my chair. “Ladies, say goodbye to Roja.”

The table of women all laughed, issuing me their farewells. All I could do was join in, giggling. I never thought I’d like to be with a dominant man like Hero. In the bedroom, yes. But outside of it, I was an independent woman who did as I damn well pleased. A fool I was not, though. If my man said,let’s go. I fucking went with him.

I’d go anywhere with Hero.

He brought me out to his truck, helped me in, and off we went. The sun had already gone down, a little after six in the evening.

I stole a glance at him once we were off the property. “Everything okay?”

His jaw twitched against the glow of lights from the dashboard. Not a positive sign.

“No, baby. Not really. We’ll talk about it at your place.” He reached for my hand, lacing our fingers together.

“Well, now you have me curious.” I watched him, waiting for a reply. A long moment passed between us. “Hero?”

He sighed in irritation. “I said we’ll talk about it when we get to your place.”

“No, you need to gimme something now. I can’t wait twenty minutes.” Shit, he made me nervous. My stomach churned, anxiety bubbling in my chest.

“And you say I’m bossy,” his tone was strained as he squeezed my hand.

“Sorry, not sorry.” I squeezed his hand back. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. I promise I won’t freak out.” I sensed he was apprehensive about telling me what Grizzly found out about my dad. I steeled myself, preparing for the boom he was about to drop.

“Roja, do you have to be so goddamned persistent?” He cut his eyes at me.

I gave him a sheepish but unapologetic grin.

“Well, you’re not gonna like this.”

I held my breath.