Page 78 of Hellbent Hero

“That’s very cool.” Tara’s brown eyes widened as big as saucers. “I love it. And what does Nova mean?”

Karma went back to work. “Now that’s too personal.”

I leaned forward for a better look. I didn’t see Nova anywhere.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to pry.” Tara chewed on her bottom lip. “How do you like Bastion? Have you met many people? The Bullet is great. There’s karaoke every Friday night. If you’re looking for some drinking buddies, I can hook you up.”

Karma’s head flew up, her blue eyes narrowed at my woman. She clearly didn’t appreciate Roja’s questions. Without saying a word, she grabbed a remote, and music blasted through the speakers. Never heard it before, but it was an angry song. Matched Karma’s attitude to a T.

I placed my hand on Roja’s shoulder, a gentle gesture for her to shut it. She sometimes ran off at the mouth when nervous. It was usually adorable. Karma didn’t find it endearing and I wasn’t in the mood for trouble.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I removed it, finding Storm’s name flashing on the screen.

“Baby, I’ll be right back.” I kissed her head, showing her my phone and stepped out of the room. “Yeah?”

“Grizz dug up some shit on Paul Walsh. Come by the club to discuss.”

“Fuck, is it bad?”

“I wouldn’t have called if it was good.” Storm sighed. “Also, I’m gonna call church.”

“What’s up?”

“Grizz confirmed Miller is at his cabin. The next couple of days, the overnight lows will be in the upper teens. I want that motherfucker gone.”

Storm wasn’t a vengeful person. He didn’t kill for sport. I didn’t know all the details about what Miller had done to Angel, but I assumed it was worthy of death the way Storm was bent out of shape over him.

“Sounds good. Tara and I should be there in an hour.”

“See ya then.” The call ended.

I inhaled a cleansing breath before going back into the room. I had a hunch that whatever Grizz found was bad. I didn’t want to hurt Tara but keeping this a secret could bite me in the ass later. I needed to keep my woman in the loop, just as I promised.

On the way back to the clubhouse, I held Roja’s hand, admiring Karma’s work. She did a fucking fantastic job.

“Do you like it,mi vida?”

She lifted our joined hands. “I love it. Do you like yours?”

“I do.”

“You have something on your mind. What is it?”

Well, shit. Guess that settled it. I’d tell her what I could.

“Storm had called. I’d asked him to have Grizz look into your dad.”

She twisted in her seat to face me. “Why did you do that? I don’t want anything to do with him. You should’ve asked me first, Hero.”

“He contacted you. We need to know what he’s been up to.”

She pulled her hand away and crossed her arms over her chest. “Jesus! Getting high, that’s what. I haven’t even heard a peep out of him in more than a week. He was probably tripping on acid or something.”

“You’re not stupid, Roja. He mentioned the cat and somehow got your number. We need to know what he’s up to.”

“So that’s why we’re going to the club instead of my place?”

“That and Storm called church.”