Page 72 of Hellbent Hero

“You really want a family?”

“With you, I want it all.” At this moment, I wanted to give her the words—I love you. But dammit, if I wasn’t terrified, I’d scare her off. I’d keep it to myself just a little longer.

She smiled, rocking her hips. “Was there something else you wanted to tell me? It seemed like there was more before I freaked the fuck out.”

Shit, she was right.

“Yes, there was more. Not about Monica. Club business.”

She stopped moving. “Okay, tell me.”

I rubbed the sides of her thighs soothingly. “I might be gone overnight sometime next week with several of the guys.”

She tilted her head and put her hands on her hips. “Why? You’ve only just gotten out of jail.”

“It’s important. I’ll also be going up to Canada on business, but only for one night.”

“Are you kidding me? We just got back together.”

“And when I’m gone, I want you to stay in my room at the club.” Might as well put it all on the table so we could deal with this shit all at once.

“Now that’s taking it too far.”

“Roja, I need to know you’re safe. I’ll get distracted, sloppy if I’m worried about your safety.”

She thought about it briefly and started riding me again. “You’re lucky I like you as much as I do.”

“Fuck, don’t I know it.” Relief rushed through me.

She tittered, bracing her hands on my chest. “Are we going too fast? I mean with you claiming me and everyone knowing it.”

“No. When it’s right, it’s right. Life is too fucking short to be indecisive, especially about love.”

She arched her red, perfect brow. “Love? Are you bullshitting me?”

I raised up, taking her face in my hands, kissing her hard. Our tongues tangoed. Hands pawing and caressing. Moaning in unison our mutual pleasure. Neither trying to lead or dominate.

We were equals. The ultimate match.

And fuck was I hard as steel.

“I’m not bullshitting you,” I told her through my kisses, trailing my affections down her neck, sucking and licking along the way. “I’ll give you the words right the fuck now if you promise they won’t scare you off.”

Her nails pricked my shoulders as she bowed her back, giving me her luscious tits.

I lifted a heavy one to my mouth. Swirling my tongue around her rosy bud, I felt her clench my dick like a vice. I suckled on it. Her nipples were addictive. Big enough to make sucking worth it. Some chicks had itty bitty ones. I didn’t care much for those pea-sized ones. Gimme a fucking plump one the size of a grape, like my Roja’s.

“Oh, Hero,” she panted, rubbing her pussy in my lap. “I want to hear them but maybe not right now.”


Her nails pricked my shoulders, her hips moving faster. “You’ll know the right moment.”

I stopped sucking. “What if I don’t? What if the moment is now?” Shit, was she testing me? I’d fail. I sucked knowing the right things to say and when to say them.

Her dark brown depths absorbed mine, reaching into my soul and filling every square inch of it with her irresistible magnetism. This beautiful, caring, loving woman was my everything.

“Now isn’t the moment, because you’re asking for permission to tell me. I don’t want you to doubt yourself.”