Page 63 of Hellbent Hero

Us. I loved the sound of that.

Hero: Anytime. See you at 3

I prayed Tara didn’t hand me my ass about leaving on another run after the last one nearly destroyed her.

The MC was my life. I was the SAA. If she was going to be with me, and I prayed to God she didn’t change her mind, she needed to accept my part in the club.

Something told me she’d put up a fight about staying at the clubhouse while I was gone, but she didn’t have a choice.

If I wasn’t here to keep her safe from that Paul Walsh, she sure as fuck wasn’t staying at her place alone.

The bell above the door rang as I entered the gun shop. Upon first sight, everything looked in order. I shouldn’t have worried, but I was set in my ways. Ran the place the way I saw fit and trained the prospects to do shit my way.

“Was wondering when you’d grace us with your presence.” Track met me halfway with an outstretched hand. “Late night with your woman?”

“You know it.”

We clasped hands and pulled each other in for a brotherly hug.

“Good to see ya, man. Sorry I missed your arrival yesterday.”

“I didn’t stick around long anyway.” I pulled back first, eying one of the shelves. I ran my finger across it, studying it to see if I’d picked up any dust.

“Asshole,” Track scoffed. “I’ve had a prospect dust the shelves twice a week just like your schedule says.”

The corner of my lip curled. “Perfect.” I noticed Dodge leaning against the counter. “How is he?” I jerked my chin.

“An angry cuss. But he’s following Storm’s orders to not reach out to her.”

“Any word on how she’s doing?” I kept my voice low so Dodge couldn’t hear us talking about Emilee. She was in her second trimester now. Probably had the ultrasound where she’d find out the gender of the baby. That all too familiar ache in my heart appeared, recalling when I’d seen my boy on the monitor. Dodge was missing everything.

“Naw, nothing. Justin hasn’t checked in with my dad in a while.”

“That sucks.” I headed toward my office. “I’m gonna check shit out, then head over to the gym. Wanna go?”

“Yeah, I can break away. Dodge manages the place pretty good.”

I tapped the glass counter to get Dodge’s attention. “Good to see ya, man. Congrats on getting patched.” I’d forgotten he wasn’t a prospect anymore. He was a patched brother.

“Hero.” Dodge gave me a short nod. “Glad you’re back.” He was never much of a talker, but the vacant look in his eyes revealed how empty he felt. I knew that cold, dark place. For his sake and Emilee’s, I hoped Justin came around and soon. Keeping a baby from a man who wanted it was cruel as fuck.

I entered my small shoebox of an office. It was spotless, just the way I left it. Slowly I dropped into my chair and opened the center drawer. Reaching my fingers toward the back, I felt for the picture I kept hidden.

My heart raced as I removed it. I squeezed my eyes shut, thankful Track didn’t follow me so I could look at my late wife, pregnant with my son. Monica spent a lot of time outdoors working in her small garden when she wasn’t at the beach. Her long black hair was always in a ponytail, and her bronze skin shimmered even after the sun went down. She was a gorgeous woman who grew up set in her ways, deep into our culture. She cooked, cleaned, and took damn good care of me. I missed everything about her. My chest ached, sorrow choking me up.

I wished I’d taken better care of her. I kissed the photo and tucked it into the pocket inside my cut. Tonight I’d tell Tara about Monica and my son.

Then vow to do better by her.

After sorting through invoices and inventory sheets for an hour and a half, Track and I arrived at the Boxer’s gym. I absorbed the energy the second my foot crossed the threshold. I loved working out here with my brothers. Missed the shit out of it the last couple of months.

During the day, the place wasn’t usually busy. Today was no different.

“Hero! How the fuck are you, brother?” Boxer trotted over with a face-splitting grin. He wrapped his sweaty arms around me and squeezed the air out of my lungs. “Missed you, man.” He released his hold, his grin wider.

I took a couple of steps back to steady myself. “Asshole, you’ll get me smelling like you.”

Boxer wiggled his eyebrows. “Then your girl will want me and not you.”