Page 54 of Hellbent Hero

A weaker man would’ve left last night after getting kneed in the nuts. Usually, men dumped my ass because of my no-filter mouth and take-control attitude in the bedroom. I liked to be rough. Liked it more when the man was rough with me.

No one before Hero ever did it for me. And for a good reason. My perfect match hadn’t entered my life. Last night proved it. He cried with me. Didn’t run after he saw my scars. When at my most vulnerable, he proved he could be trusted.

Luna perked up on the counter when she saw me. Naughty girl. Or rather, naughty boy. I never let her up there or on the table. Copper had warned against it. I had listened carefully to everything he’d said the day I brought her home. I mean, he’d owned a cat. That made him an expert.

I sighed dreamily at the scrumptious Latino. Was Hero reallymyman?

“Roja, I hear you.” He turned around with a cocky grin. “You only sigh like that after sex. Did you come just from watching me?”

My cheeks heated. “You paid attention.”

He came toward me with a panty-melting swagger and a hungry look in his dark eyes. “Damn straight, I did. But my woman shouldn’t come without my permission.” He cupped my face and kissed me hard. One hand grabbed my ass to push me into the firm bulge in his pants.

I moaned into his mouth. “Oh God, I missed you.” We might have only spent two days locked together in his bedroom at the clubhouse—two months ago—but it had been the best thirty-nine hours of my life. After weeks of flirting and teasing, what we accomplished in that short amount of time was what other couples took months, maybe even years, to achieve.

It was why I’d fallen so hard for him.

And why he was able to shatter me.

Without breaking our liplock, Hero took a few steps back. Then, he turned off the stove, moved the skillet off the burner, and put Luna on the floor, all while making me weak in the knees with his sensual lips.

See? Superhero.

“Missed you too, baby.” He lifted me onto my small square dining table, tugging my sweat pants and panties down while licking his lips.

I giggled at him. Was he serious? “We’ll break my cheap table with how hard you fuck.”

He spread my legs apart, eyeing his target. “Not for what I’m about to do to you.”

A shiver speared down my spine, curling my toes. “But I’m gonna want your cock.”

He firmly grabbed my thighs, digging into my flesh with a gentle sting of pain leveling pleasure up my body from his fingers. “Don’t be a greedy bitch. You’ll take what I give you.” His harsh voice nearly made me come. When he looked at me with a feral glint? God help me, I turned to goo. I want him to ravage me. Dominate me. Own me body and soul.

Hero showed he remembered how he affected me when talking this way. It had taken some coaxing to get him to call me names like bitch and slut. At first, he seemed hurt. It was sweet. Sometimes, I just wanted it dirty.

“Then you better give me what I want, big guy. You have a lot to make up for.”

He growled, dragging his nose through my patch of red curls. At the same time, his tongue pulsed on my clit. I held his head in place, bucking my hips as he stole the oxygen right out of my lungs.

“Fuck, Roja. I ain’t never tasted a sweeter pussy.”

Libby’s pretty face flashed in my head. I hit the back of Hero’s head for jerking me out of the moment. “Don’t you dare talk about any of the bitches you’ve fucked. Not cool, asshole.”

He growled into my body, biting my clit.

I screamed as electricity crackled inside my pussy. It seemed Mr. Hero remembered how I liked biting too. I used to think I was a fucked up broad, back in college. When girls talked about sex, it was always sweet and passionate. Never raunchy or electrifying.


Pleasure and pain were my addiction. I craved both. During sex, it was okay. Even Dr. Kelly had said so during one of our sessions. So long as I didn’t let it go too far.

“Won’t happen again,mi vida.” He teased my entrance with his finger but didn’t stay there. No, no. The mischievous bastard gathered my arousal and plunged his finger into my ass. My hips shot up, smashing my pussy into his face.

“Fuck, Hero!”

“That’s what I’m doing, Roja. Fuck you just the way you like, baby.” He flattened his tongue and stroked it across my opening.
