Page 36 of Hellbent Hero

“I know. It was stupid. I’ve got Toby trying to hack into Winter’s system. Someone had to see something.”

“It’s club business. Civilians will stay quiet.” Raul yawned and scratched his chin.

I lifted my tired ass out of the chair and killed the lights. “He’s innocent. We’ll stop at nothing to clear his name.” I closed the door behind us and locked it.

“We will. Goodnight, Prez.”


I listened to my brothers partying in the bar as I went upstairs. One issue resolved, two more to go. Hero and Tara were one issue. Then there was Miller.

I unlocked my bedroom door, being extra quiet so I didn’t wake Angel. I smelled of whiskey and pot, not a good combo for her sensitive nose. I crept into the bathroom, shedding my clothes to wash the stink off me.

I should’ve known she’d be awake when I crawled into bed with her. Madeline was hard-wired to me. She sensed my moods and presence acutely, just as I did hers.Soulmates. There was no other explanation for the anomaly that was us.

Her warm body curled into mine. I inhaled her heavenly scent as the softest lips kissed my bare chest, melting me into a damn puddle of butter.

“Everything okay?” Her groggy voice, thick with sleep, fuckin’ turned me on. We had the best sex all the time. But there was something more intimate and meaningful when I made love to her in the middle of the night after we’d been asleep for a few hours. It was fuckin’ magical.

I glided the tips of my fingers over her back, enjoying her soft purrs. “Yeah, Angel. Didn’t mean to wake you.”

“I’m a light sleeper unless you’ve worn me out with a gazillion orgasms.” She dragged her tongue across my nipple, ever so lightly.

My cock jerked in response. “Angel, you’re getting me excited.”Excited, to put it mildly. Desire exploded inside me with only a look from my woman. When she touched me, I wanted to ravage her like a wild animal.

Fuck, I loved her so much it hurt.

Her small hand fisted my growing erection. “Yes, I see that.” Her sultry voice made my spine tingle. “How about we put this iron rod to good use.”

“You sure? You work in the morning.” I didn’t want to wear her out. I could see the exhaustion on her face. But if she said yes, I’d be a fool to pass it up.

“Silly man, I’ll never say no to you.”

Well, this I’d experienced first hand. Madeline’s sexual appetite matched mine. We were so perfect for each other, it was ridiculous. It used to scare the shit out of me.

Not anymore.

She rolled onto her back, spreading her legs for me. “I can tell something is on your mind. Talk to me, handsome.” She gripped my bicep to pull me onto her.

I eased into her warm, wet heat. Every time was like coming home. Not wanting to talk about Tara, Dutra, or Miller, I kissed her tenderly. Dutra and Miller were club business. I’d eventually tell her the enforcer was dead, but not tonight. As for Miller, even the mention of his name sent a tremor through her body. The fucker would get his after what he’d done to my woman.

Our bodies moved together, slowly and passionately. Often, we fucked hard and fast. But we also enjoyed each other this way, where I penetrated her deeply with slow consideration. Kissed her like my life depended on it. Because it did. I fuckin’ couldn’t live without my Angel. She was my entire world.

As our orgasms crest at the exact same moment, every worry and stress I’d been harboring faded away.

“I love you, baby. So damn much.” I nibbled her lips, wholly enthralled by this beautiful woman who was all mine.

Her nails scratched the back of my neck, just the way I liked. “I love you too, Kaleb. To the moon and back.”

The room was dark, but I saw her smiling from the soft glow of the moon peeking through the shades. She’d started saying that little phrase recently. It was a little cheesy, but when I heard her tell the baby the same, I wanted the words too.

We kissed a little more before I went to the bathroom to clean up. Madeline had followed to pee.

I spooned her after we returned to bed and breathed her into my lungs. Tomorrow, I’d ask about Tara.Maybe.

Was it really my place? Madeline and Tara were best friends. She probably knew all of Tara’s secrets. Wasn’t that what chicks did? Spill their guts to each other over pints of ice cream and gabbed all night long? Yeah, I was sure those two were thick as thieves. Closer than close.

Why mention anything when we were both sated and deliriously happy?