Page 28 of Hellbent Hero

“We’re just going to leave her unprotected?” Copper asked with a baffled expression. He didn’t know her place was littered with cameras.

“I’ll put someone else on her. Make sure they stay out of sight.” I straddled my bike, giving Track a nod. “We need to get back, but first, I need to make a call.” I was supposed to have supper with my wife before the council met for church—a little one on one. After that, the meeting would run until we got word from Boxer’s informant that Dutra was dead. It could take all night.

Track and Copper got on their bikes, waiting for my lead.

I took out my cell phone and called Grizzly.

“It’s Grizz.”

“I need you to see if you find anything unusual at Tara’s.”

“Anything specific?”

“No. Take a listen over the last couple of hours. I’m on my way back to the club.”

“On it.” The line went dead.

“Let’s go,” I shouted to the guys, then started my hog and took off.



I PACED IN my living room, waiting for Storm and his cronies to leave. “Who the hell does he think he is, treating me that way? Fucking caveman!”

Madeline would be furious if she knew. She’d chew him out. Maybe kick him out of their bed. Yeah, that’d piss him off and show him to never fuck with me.

I smiled deviously and called her. Misery loves company, right?

Mads answered on the first ring. “Hey, babe! How are you?” Her pleasant voice instantly deflated my rage. Crunching filtered through the earpiece, and it made me curious what she was eating.

“Am I interrupting your supper?” I wasn’t sure why but I dialed back my intent to get Storm in trouble with her.

She laughed and crunched some more. “Not at all. I’m munching on ham and pickle wraps. I can’t get enough of them. I’m waiting for Storm to get home to have supper together.”

I dug my nails into the back of my head. Storm, the asshole, had probably told my bestie when and what she could eat. He was a domineering pig like that.

Stop being a bitch. You’re just hurting and taking it out on Storm. You’re just jealous at how much he worships Maddy.

I hated when my conscience was right.

“The kind of wraps with cream cheese?”

“Mhm.” She chewed loudly into the phone as if tempting me. “Your favorite. Tina made up a tray if you’d like to come by and gorge yourself on them.”

Yup, she was teasing me.

“I can’t. I got a new kitten today, so I can’t leave her alone.”

Maddy squealed into the phone. “You got a kitten? Oh my goodness! Send me pics. What’d you name her?”

I smiled at the genuine delight in her voice. “Luna. She’s six weeks old, gray and white.” I lifted my baby into my arms and kissed her head, suddenly feeling calmer. “She’s adorable.”

“Luna? How stinkin’ precious. Bring her over! Please, Tara. I want to cuddle her.”

My grin grew. “Well—” I hissed in pain as Luna’s claws dug into the burn on my stomach.

“Are you okay? What happened?”