Page 19 of Hellbent Hero

I focused on happy thoughts: apple spice candles, warm fuzzy blankets, hot cider, pumpkin pie. Unfortunately, not a flicker of happiness appeared.

I stopped at the intersection, eying the sign for the Humane Society. I turned right instead of going straight home. What prompted me to park in front of the building, I wasn’t sure.

The sound of a motorcycle caught my attention. I peered in my rearview mirror as Copper came in behind my car. I’d been so lost in my sad, pathetic world, I’d forgotten he was following me. Uh oh—not a good sign. If I could tune him out while lost in my head, I could spiral out of control.

I watched him get off his bike in my side-view mirror. Copper strutted to my side and rapped on the window with his knuckles. I killed the engine, grabbed my purse, and opened the door.

“What’s up?” He cut his eyes toward the building. “Visiting anotherfriend?”

“Don’t be a dick,” I hip-bumped my door closed. “I’m in the market for…”something to distract me before I unravel...“a new pet.”

“I didn’t take you for an animal person.” He scratched the back of his head, clearly not buying the bullshit I was selling.

“Goes to show you don’t know me at all. I love animals.” In pictures mostly, or when they belonged to someone else. Honestly, I struggled to keep plants alive. An animal would be a challenge. Just what I needed. Something to occupy my time and attention, so I didn’t dwell on my pitiful life or miss the one man I’d never have.

Copper flashed an adorable grin. “Okay babe, if you say so.”

“You don’t believe me?”

“Yeah, I believe you. Let’s go get you a new pet.” He threw his arm over my shoulders and guided me to the entrance. “Whatcha in the market for? Something with feathers, scales, or fur? Maybe something that swims. Fish don’t require much.”

“Are you always like this?”

“Like what?”


He snorted, getting the door. “Yeah, just call me Chatty Cathy.”

I rolled my eyes, entering the building. “You’re weird.”

Copper didn’t bother me. In fact, I kinda liked him. He wasn’t awful to look at either. Best of all, he kept my mind off less enjoyable topics, like hurting myself and that asshole Hero.

Half an hour later, I was the proud momma of an adorable gray and white kitten. “I’m gonna call you Luna.” I scratched behind her ear as we left.

Copper suggested I get her since I worked all day. He said cats were independent and not as needy as dogs. Made sense to me, considering I wasn’t sure what lured me into the animal shelter. Maddy would say the Holy Spirit led me inside, while my dad would say it was a mystical power. I wasn’t sure what I believed.I should probably figure that out.

“Congratulations, Momma.” He opened my driver’s side door. “You’ll need food and supplies for her. Wanna head over to Walmart?”

“Can I take Luna into the store with me?” I gazed at my little girl tucked into my jacket. Her quiet meows were precious and melted my heart. Already, I felt calmer than I had in weeks.

“Don’t think so. I can stay with her while you run in and get what you need.” Copper scratched the top of the kitten’s head. It was so sweet I could hardly stand it. He wasn’t like the other guys in the club, rough with sharp edges. I hoped he would never become like them.

“Perfect. Let’s go.” I dropped into my seat, smiling like a fool. I might be all right now. Maybe, Luna would keep me from plunging off the cliff…

I spent way too much money in Walmart, but it was fun. Copper and I played with my baby girl all afternoon. We talked about movies and music, the brutal winters in Minnesnowta, and how many times we got stuck in a ditch because of the icy roads.

I held my stomach giggling. “You couldn’t find her…hole?” I screamed with laughter. I shouldn’t but it was too damn funny not to. And dammit, I needed this.

“You’re cruel.” His face matched the color of his ginger hair.

“I’m sorry, I am cruel.” I covered my mouth, tears dripping down my cheeks.

“I was sixteen. It was my first time for fuck’s sake.” He glared at me, green eyes darkening. “You mean to tell me you didn’t fumble around the first time you had sex?”

I instantly stopped laughing as the day I lost my virginity came crashing back. “I don’t remember.”Liar. No girl forgets her first time.I wondered how many wished they could forget it. I exhaled a sobering breath. “I shouldn’t have teased you. It was an asshole thing to do.”

Copper appeared taken aback. “You don’t remember your first sexual experience?”