Page 105 of Hellbent Hero

“It just felt right. What about you?”


“You gonna stay in bed or get up so we can go to the fight?”

“Get up.” She lifted to a sitting position with my assistance. “Thank you, big guy.” She went to the closet and shuffled through her clothes.

I loved how she called me, big guy. Admired the fuck out of her. She hardly complained about the pain. I knew she experienced torment, having had a few bullet wounds myself. Roja didn’t want to take any pain meds. I understood. Growing up with an addict made her fear being like him. She’d rather deal with the discomfort than risk developing a craving for the high.

I’d been there, done that, so I supported her choices. I’d always stand by her through thick and thin.

Roja squeezed the fuck out of my hand, turning the tips of my fingers blue. For having just been shot in the right shoulder, she didn’t lack in strength.

“Box looks in a bad way,” Track muttered on the other side of me.

I didn’t take my eyes off my brother as he fought to get his opponent off him. It was the third round. Un-fucking-precedented. Boxer wasn’t in top form. He appeared distracted. Unmotivated. Almost like he welcomed the ass whooping. It didn’t make sense.

“I can’t watch.” Roja buried her face in my chest. “He’s getting the shit beat out of him. I thought he was the best in the country?’

I cuddled her close, emotion bubbling in my chest as my brothers shouted,fight motherfucker, finish it!

“He is. Not sure what’s gotten into him.”

Storm and Lynx got to their feet shouting like a couple of maniacs. Track joined them just as Copper sat next to Roja. He eyed me, seeking permission to be here. I nodded because it was high time those two made up.

“Red, come here, babe.” He tugged her out of my arms.

I growled at his choice of words. Fucking prospect. I kept my cool, only shooting him a death glare.

“Hey, Copper.” She put her left hand on my thigh. She knew my displeasure with the young prospect. I wouldn’t be an asshole about it. Roja was my woman. Copper would respect us. He was a good guy.

“You really scared the crap out of me. Don’t do that again.” He hugged her in a brotherly way.

“Believe me, I have no plan to.” She took my hand. “I’m sorry I was bitch to you that day, Cop. I was in a bad place.”

“I know, babe. You don’t have to explain. Let’s just move forward and be friends again.”

“I’d like that.” Her radiant smile lit up the whole room.

Just as they mended fences, the crowd erupted. Boxer got the upper hand and unleashed holy hell.Thank fuck.

Roja turned toward me. “Next time, I’ll stay at the compound with Maddy and the girls. This is too intense for me.”

I took her into my arms and kissed her temple.

The fight was over. Boxer’s face was bloody, but he won. I’d have to have a talk with him to find out what the hell happened.

Storm and the others left to meet up with Boxer and Ire in the locker room. Ire won his event, after losing the last two. He seemed a bit better the last couple of weeks. Not sure what changed, but I really didn’t care. I was just glad to see my brother living again.

I whispered in Roja’s ear, “I want to take you to California over Christmas. You down with that?”

She pulled back, beaming. “California? I’ve never been before. I’d love to go. I could see if Brad would like to watch Luna for us.” She bit her bottom lip and I thought about how she’d been warring with what to do about the kitten. Part of her wanted to give Luna to Brad as a gift for the terror he went through. But she loved the kitten.

“Sure, baby. I bet he’d enjoy cat-sitting.”

A small smile graced her pretty face, cheeks turning a naughty shade of red. “Could we be back for theBang in the New Year Orgyat the club?”

I snorted at my dirty girl. “We’ll be back for it.” I helped her stand so we could go home. She already looked exhausted after two hours. “I want you to meet Monica and my son while we’re there. Hit some of my old stomping grounds.”