Page 61 of Hellbent Hero

“Angel was worried something had happened. I assured her all was well, considering you never returned yesterday.”

“You’d be correct about Tara and me. But not all is well. I need Grizz to look into a Paul Walsh.” Just saying her dad’s name made my skin crawl. Rage ignited in my chest after learning how he’d burn her when she was a kid. And used her as payment. It was fucking sick.

To burn anyone, young or old, was insane. Shit, each time I saw the fresh scars on Tara’s stomach and thigh, my stomach churned.

Raul hiked a curious brow. “Who’s Paul Walsh?”

“Her fucking psycho, drug addict father,” I hissed. “He crawled out from under the rock he’d been hiding under. He called the other day. She’s terrified of what he might want.”

Storm dragged his hand over his face. “Son of a bitch. So much for quiet on the homefront, aye?”

“Knew it was too good to last,” Raul muttered.

“Yeah, well, I doubt we have much to worry about. He’s one man.” I exhaled a tense breath. “I don’t want him fucking with my woman. He’s the reason for…” I let my words trail as I cut my gaze at Storm.

He nodded, resting his elbows on his desk. “I’ll get Grizz on it.”

No words were needed for my prez to get my meaning. I’d promised Tara I wouldn’t tell anyone she hurt herself. I didn’t need to tell Storm, since he was the one who informed me about what Grizz had discovered. Raul didn’t need to know. It wasn’t club business. I’d handle Paul Walsh all on my own, to avoid getting my brothers involved.

“Appreciate it. So what’d you want to see me about?”

Storm’s steely eyes darkened. “Two things. Miller and Morrison.”

I slumped in my chair. “Christ. I’ve been home all of one day and you’re dumping these guys on me. I haven’t even been to the gun shop.”

Raul snorted, punching my shoulder. “It’s your job, Sergeant. No need to worry about the gun shop. Track’s been managing it.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” I never doubted Storm would make sure my shit stayed in order. “What’s up with Morrison? I talked to him yesterday. He’s straight on everything, knows I’m back.” I took a massive bite of caramel roll. Damn, it was delicious.

Storm drummed his fingers on the wooden desk. “He called first fuckin’ thing this morning. His brother-in-law wants a meeting.”

I thought for a second as I chewed and swallowed. “Who, Ciro?”

“That’d be the one. Along with his father, Alessio. They want us to go up to Canada.”

“Fuck.” I shook my head, licking some glaze off my thumb. “I just got out of jail. I won’t leave Tara again.” Neither of us could handle a separation. We were in a delicate spot. It was too soon to leave.

Storm scowled. “I held him off as long as I could. You, Raul, Track, and Dodge will leave a week from Sunday night.”

“Christ. I can’t leave Tara for three fucking days.” Assuming the meeting would take a full day in addition to the long drive to and from Canada.

Storm relaxed in his chair. “I know. I called my cousin, Cobra. You guys will drive up to Fargo. From there, he and Hustler will fly you to Canada for the meeting. You should be home by supper Monday evening.”

Well, I’d be damned. Storm calling in a favor like this with his cousins meant a lot. He would’ve never done this before Angel came into his life.

“Okay, fine. What about Miller?”

Prez’s jaw twitched, eyes darkening. “The other night, Madeline mentioned a cabin he owned west of Duluth. It’s near a lake. Got Grizz verifying if that’s where he’s been laying low. If so, I want the fucker gone before the holidays.”

I smelled the hunger to kill rolling off Storm, like the pungent odor of death when gutting a deer.

Raul cleared his throat. “We’re doing this clean. Don’t want any blowback on the club.” Raul was a bossy motherfucker when he needed to be. The only one to ever tell Storm what to do. Hell, the only one Stormlettell him what to do besides Angel. It showed how much Storm respected both of them. And I was willing to bet his Uncle Matt had talked to him and Raul before he died to let them know his expectations. Like taking care of each other. Raul had a couple of decades of experience on Storm. He earned respect and was level headed, compared to Storm.

Storm growled like a furious bear. “I fuckin’ hate that I can’t torture that motherfucker after what he did to my woman! I want to chop him into pieces!”

Oh damn. I’d never get on Storm’s bad side. Wasn’t worth the wrath of such a typhoon of a man.

“It’s the only way, Prez,” Raul told him. “If he goes missing, it’ll come back on us. His death has to look like an accident.”