Page 5 of Hellbent Hero

I didn’t remember bringing anyone up to my room after getting another bottle of tequila. I was beyond wasted, so who the fuck knew what I’d done? It wouldn’t be the first or probably the last… Club kittens were just so damn willing and I was so damn messed up I didn’t fucking remember who I brought up here.

My stomach churned with disgust. I shouldn’t have felt guilty but I did. I wanted Tara, not a kitten. How could I break so easily? In my heart, I’d already committed to her.

Fuck! I was such an asshole. After what happened with the Hunters, I avoided her. Disgust and shame ravaged me. I wasn’t good enough for my Roja. Sleeping with a kitten proved I was a piece of shit. Fuck!

I turned my head to see which kitten was lying beside me, fully prepared to kick her out of my bed. All the air left my lungs.

A mop of red hair was fanned out on the pillow next to me. None of the kittens had red hair. I only knew one woman with hair so vibrant and lush. It made me want to reach out and touch it every time she was near.

Tara? I couldn’t imagine why she’d be in my bed in all her naked glory.

I reached my hand under the sheet and fisted my morning wood. I didn’t have clothes on either—no surprise since I liked to sleep nude.

Well, this sucked. If I had sex with Tara, I didn’t remember any of it. What a loser.

It was probably for the best. If I knew what Tara’s pussy felt like squeezing my cock or tasted like on my tongue, I might not ever let her go.

And she needed to go.

I was no good for her.

Dragging my ass out of bed, I stumbled into the bathroom to take a piss and brush my teeth. I swished some mouthwash for good measure. Tara didn’t need to smell my stanky breath.

Better yet, a shower would help clear out the fogginess of last night. Maybe. Hopefully. I really wanted to know what happened between Tara and me.

I opened the glass door, stepped in, and turned the lever. Cold water sprayed me instead of hot. My muscles tensed as I shivered, goose bumps covering my body.

An icy cold shower was good. Made me alert. I ran my hands over my face, rubbing the sleep out of my gritty, burning eyes.

For the first time since being rescued from the Hunters, I felt… I felt okay. Clearheaded and not angry.

The glass door opened, startling me.

“Mind if I join you?” Tara stepped inside without waiting for an answer. “Shit! It’s freezing,” she screamed, switching the water from cold to hot. Instantly steam filled the small space.

I fell against the tile wall, rendered speechless by her magnificent naked body. Her sable-colored doe-eyes bore straight into my soul, as if she knew me on a deeper level—more than I knew her. I felt raw. Vulnerable. Ripped off, because it was totally one-sided. So fucking unfair.

Her gorgeous eyes shimmered like melted chocolate. Taunting me as if she had a secret and clearly the upper hand.

Was this for real?

Or was I hallucinating?

Tara was every dude’s wet dream come to life. I was mesmerized watching the water rain down on her, soaking her red mane, spraying her plump tits. Water droplets covered her fair skin, streaking down her lush curves.

My mouth went bone dry. Parched and arid, like the Mojave Desert. I desperately wanted to lick drops off every inch of her. To quench my thirst. To replenish my vapid soul. To bring me out of the barren state I’d been in for far too long.

Roja stood before me with a naughty, unapologetic smirk as she stole the air from my lungs. Like a sassy, scrumptious, take-no-prisoners porn model doing a photoshoot for Playboy—shower edition. No man could behold such a mythical creature and not get hard and fully erect… And then some.

Her rosy lips puckered. She glided her hands over her voluptuous tits. Long, skinny fingers pinched her nipples, then she moaned an erotic melody I’d never heard before. Not from kittens or my wife. It made my heart race with lust pulsing through my veins.

Tara did it again, slipping a hand down between her thighs.

My throbbing cock jerked in anticipation of what I hoped would come next.

“I need you, big guy.” Her other hand went around my steel rod.

Fuck yes. A jolt of X-rated desire speared down my spine as Roja caressed me.