“Mybreathing?” Breck lifted a brow. “I’m pretty sure I’ve mastered that skill by now.”

Kai laughed, his breath wisping along Breck’s nape. “I’m sure you have, too. The typical kind, anyway. The tying style I’m using tonight though, is going to require you to breathe a little bit differently.” His hands slid around Breck’s sides and palmed his abdomen. “Into your stomach instead of your lungs.”

“Why?” Breck rasped, loving his touch.

“Because the rope harness I’ll be fashioning around your chest needs to be very secure, which will make it hard for your ribcage to expand. So… you’re going to need to be inhaling here.” His fingers casually splayed. “Expanding your abdominal cavity instead of your chest.”

Breck all but shivered at his touch. “Okay. I get you.”

“Good. So, let’s begin,” Kai murmured. “Arms by your sides... Inhale into your stomach…” Breck did as instructed, Kai’s hands still spanning his belly. “Good. Now practice that at a slow, steady pace.”

Breck swallowed and again complied. Although in fairness, his focus was only partially on his breathing. Most of it was fixated on those arms wrapped around his body.

His heart pumped faster. His skin grew heated.

A minute later, Kai dropped his hands and moved back into view. “Good.” He pointed to the center of the floor. “I’m going to start with you standing here. Dress down like last time while I get my supplies in order.”

Breck nodded, already missing Kai’s closeness, the heat of his body, as he pulled his shirt up and over his head.

With his back to Breck, Kai rummaged through his supplies. Several bundles of that hemp rope were the first to emerge. “I thought you used that other rope for exhibitions.”

“I do. But not for suspension jobs. In those cases, hemp is stronger.”

“Ah.” Breck definitely appreciated stronger rope today.

“And then, of course, I use it for private engagements. So, if I were to ever, let’s say, hogtieyouup for personal enjoyment on my living room floor?” Kai slid him a frisky smirk. “I’d absolutely use jute.”

Breck stilled at that, images bombarding him before he could stop them, then coughed out a laugh. “You willneverhogtie me.”

Kai shrugged, his dark eyes glittering. “Your loss.”

Breck smirked, shaking his head as he slid his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts. Down he shoved them over his hips. And just like that, he was butt naked again—because, yes, he’d worn the jockstrap that Kai had requested. This one, however, was black. And brand spanking new, if he was being honest. Although,whyhe’d felt compelled to go buy a new one, he had no fucking clue. A jockstrap was a jockstrap, for crying out loud. And it wasn’t like he was trying to impress the guy.

Unless, Jesus, he actually was. His gut clenched. God, he couldn’t even tell anymore.

Kai cast a quick glance his way, one that ended up lingering on Breck’s one article of clothing, his eyes settling appreciatively on Breck’s swiftly growing bulge. Heat curled in Breck’s stomach. His hands absently flexed. Kai turned his gaze back to his box and began removing pieces of interesting hardware.

Breck quirked a brow. “What’s all that?”

Kai rattled them off by name, showing each one briefly before setting them on the table. “Stainless steel ring with a built-in swivel.”

Breck regarded it. Roughly five inches in diameter.

“Carabiners, to hold my free-running rope.”

Breck had definitely seen those gadgets before. Small oblong rings with spring-hinged sides to clip to things.

“Shepherds-hook extension pole.”

Breck eyed it. Looked like those things they used at clothing stores.

Kai set it aside and kept on going. “Safety shears. You’ve seen those before. And finally”—he held up a small mechanical apparatus—“my portable hoist.”

Breck’s brows hiked. “A hoist?” Hadn’t seenthatcoming.

Kai pointed up. Breck followed his gaze to one of the lofty ceiling’s wooden beams. Attached to it was an inconspicuous metal eye loop. “I’ll be attaching it to that. And then to the hoist”—he grinned—“I’ll be attaching you.”

Breck eyed it warily. A hoist fixed to the rafter? That was a good fifteen feet in the air? Holy freaking hell. Shit was getting real.