He’d messaged Breck when he’d gotten out of the shower, but he’d yet to respond. Which was fine. If he wasn’t home when Kai stopped by, it’d be no big deal. Either way, the fresh air would do him good. And with it being almost midnight, the stars should be shining bright.

Rounding his building, he hit the concrete sidewalk. Ten minutes later and he was closing in on Breck’s frat-boy abode. With all the college kids ambling in and out, it hadn’t taken a rocket scientist to discern which house was his.

He eyed the place, still two doors down. Breck might not be there, but his house was far from empty. Quite the opposite, all but bursting with inebriated partiers. And from the look of things, this wasn’t the frat house’s usual throwdown. Not if the girls sashaying around in grad caps and bikinis were any indication. If he were to guess, Breck’s fraternity was hosting an end-of-the-year pool party.

Loud music pumped as laughter carried down the street. Kai regarded the attendees milling about, then eyed what he could make out of the above-ground pool in the yard around back. The thing was teeming with guys and girls alike, the boys notably more rambunctious than the ladies, cannon balling in pairs off the deck. Waves of water crashed over the edge as people hooted. On the far end, two girls were wrestling each other atop the shoulders of their respective guys. Other pool goers were dancing to the music with their hands raised high.

And all of them, absolutely all of them, were clutching beers.

Kai exhaled and averted his gaze, certainly not surprised. The seniors’ school year had concluded, but summer partying had only just begun. Thing was, now he couldn’t help wondering if Breckwasthere—and in a similar state. If so, that’d defeat the purpose of his entire visit.

Surely, that accident would’ve deterred him from drinking for at least acoupleof days.

Although, now that he thought about it, he could almost kick himself. It was a Saturday night, after all. Of course Breck would be partying with his friends. Aside from basketball, it seemed like that was all he ever really did.

Optimism dwindling, he headed up the walk to the house’s front door. Might as well at leastseeif Breck was there. Who knew, maybe he’d gone out with his other friends because he hadn’t wanted to party.

A man could dream.

Kai scaled the front steps and stepped through a door that’d been left wide open, then moved to the side as two barely clad ladies clumsily shuffled past. He regarded them and others wondering about. So much bare skin, the girls flagrantly flaunting every glistening inch, the guys ambling around in just their board shorts, and notably just as wet.

The music pulsed even louder inside, thick plumes of weed randomly clouding the air.

Another crew of girls emerged from a room up ahead, the first girl slamming on the breaks the second her eyes got a load of Kai. Her friends crashed into her, then quickly spotted him, too. Unabashedly, the trio ogled him—only to wheel around towards the pool when someone ripped loose on an air horn. They scurried out back as two guys ducked into the room they’d just exited.

Kai sighed and glanced back toward the door. He didn’t belong here. The energy was dense, distorted by intoxicated people. If he located Breck, he’d insist they take a walk.

“Grandmaster Kai!” came a familiar voice.

He turned to find Jegs and Charlie heading his way. Both wore swimming trunks and snorkel gear. Charlie sported an inflatable pink flamingo around his hips. And, just like everyone else, they both held a drink in each of their hands.

“Holy shit. Itishim,” Charlie laughed.

“Told you.” Jegs grinned as they drew to a stop.

To Kai’s amusement, both bent at the waist for a commemorative bow.

His lips twitched as he returned the gesture.

Jegs straightened, then shoved up his snorkel mask and regarded him curiously. “So what brings you to our humble abode?”

Charlie cocked his head and eyed him, too.

Which was logical. Kai had never been there before and, as far as they would know, wasn’t friends with any of their fraternity brothers.

How to answer? What would Breck want him to say?

He pocketed his hands. “I’m… uh—”

A chorus of female voices rang out from down the hall. “Charlie! Jegs! What’s taking so long?” A throng of girls rounded the bend and swarmed them. And just like that, the two guys were herded toward the backyard pool.

“Talk later, Grandmaster!” Jegs called over his shoulder.

“Keg’s in the kitchen!” Charlie added with a laugh as he was pulled out of sight.

Kai grinned a little and shook his head, then resumed with his mission to locate Breck. Following the laughter to the room up ahead, what he presumed was the hangout area, he made it to the doorway—then stopped short at the sight on the couch.

Air lodged in his lungs as his chest constricted.