
“Who knows. Maybe he was just torched on somethin’.”

“Well,you know”—Jin grinned—“itwouldhave been just past four-twenty.”

“Blaze it!”

Both guys laughed and bumped fists.

“Speaking of,” Dindy continued. “What’re you doing when we get out of here?”

“Um,blazinga big fuckin’ fat one with you?”

Dindy grinned. “Good answer. Let’s hurry up.”

Chest tight, Kai sighed as they headed for the locker room, having inadvertently overheard their conversation. His gaze slid to the dojang’s front door. Breck had come by. Had wanted to see him. Had looked upset, which probably meant that he’d wanted to talk.

Regret welled at the thought of Breck miserable. Now that he’d had time to cool off, he acknowledged the fact that he was partially responsible, his actions having played a role in kick starting this whole fucking mess. If he’d been more conscientious with the gear he’d dressed Breck in, he never would’ve been recognized by that admirer at The District. In turn, Breck would’ve gone with him to his show the following night. The evening would’ve been positive.

But that wasn’t how things had gone. Breck had been shaken, which had driven him to drinking. Then back to Kai’s door, where Kai had lambasted him and then turned him away.

If only he’d known that Breck had been driving.

Kai dragged a hand down his face, remembering the moments that followed Breck’s angry departure. He’d closed his eyes and tried to calm his heartrate, his emotions a riotous storm of irritation and need.

And then he’d heard it. An engine starting. At first, he’d been confused. Breckneverdrove to his apartment. Healwayswalked. And besides, he’d been drinking. Surely, he wouldn’t have been that stupid.

The sound of that car pulling away had snapped Kai out of pondering and into action. He’d dived for his key fob and darted out the door. Made it to his car and had the garage door opening in seconds flat.

By the time he pulled out, Breck was gone. He’d had to take a wild guess on which way to go, one-hundred percent certain Breck was headed anywherebuthome. Still, what if he went the wrong direction and Breck wrecked somewhere? Rendered unconscious and unable to call for help? All semblance of calm had vacated Kai’s body, his race through the rain the most stressful moments of his life.

To his relief, he’d finally spotted tail lights. That late at night, with the roads so empty, he’d known it had to be Breck.

His muscles had eased as he accelerated to catch up—only to stiffen again in horror as his nightmare unfolded. As if in slow motion, he’d watched as Breck’s car disappeared over the shoulder. He’d never been so panicked. When he’d finally gotten Breck to safety, he’d been livid—and utterly beside himself with debilitating stress.

But Breck… He’d been emotionallyobliterated… and Kai had done nothing at all to ease his anxiety. Just scolded him and sent him to his car like a kid in timeout.

Kai groaned and raked a hand through his hair. He’d been too hard on Breck when he’d been raw and exposed. Should’ve shown more compassion—especially since he was the reason Breck had taken off in his car.

He’d just been so frazzled from nearly watching Breck die—

Kai stilled at the implications of his thoughts.

He cared for Breck to an excruciating degree. Which meant, despite what he’d told himself, he wasn’t ready to let him go.

He should talk to him—while Breck was sober. Have a transparent conversation. He understood Breck’s plight and would tell him so, and maybe between the two of them, they could work something out. A way to navigate Breck’s situation—together.

For all he knew, Breck’s wreck could’ve been an intercession from the cosmos, forcing an emotional refresh in both of their camps. For Breck to snap out of his tailspin, and Kai to stop criticizing his actions and start assessingwhyBreck was behaving in such reckless ways. To stop treating him like he was Ryan 2.0.

He could help—wantedto help. If Breck was willing to do what it took. Breck needed him and, in a way, he needed Breck, too. He’d told him he wouldn’t let him fall, and he’d genuinely meant it.

* * *

After mulling over the idea for the rest of the day, through his last two classes at the dojang and then the class he’d subbed in for at the gym, Kai made the decision to stop by Breck’s place and try to have a talk. True, dropping by a frat house so late at night wasn’t his typical MO, but for some reason, he was consumed by a sense of urgency. A need to resolve this conflict and reestablish harmony between them. To right his wrongs.

It was a mild night, not too balmy. He would head over on foot. He didn’t want to attract any unnecessary attention with his car. Breck would frown on that, he was sure. And now that he knew the road Breck lived on, the walk would be easy and short. His place wasn’t far. Just one street down and a couple more over.

Hair still damp, he combed his fingers through his locks, checked himself in the mirror, then made his way toward the door. In less than sixty seconds, he’d exited his building and was checking his texts.