“You’re an idiot,” he muttered under his breath.

“What was that?” Tad asked from the chair to his left.

Breck stilled and looked his way.

Both Tad and Scott were eyeing him expectantly.

“You said something,” Tad clarified. “But I didn’t catch it.”

“Oh, uh…” Breck feigned a smile. “I was just… talking to myself.”

“Ah. Okay.” Tad nodded. He shifted in his seat, then cleared his throat. “So, hey, listen. I’ve got a favor to ask.”

Breck lifted a brow.A favor?

Tad grinned. “Come through for me and I’lltotallyowe you one.”

Breck winced through another chest clench, the mention of ‘owed favors’ back to reminding him of Kai. When he’d paid in full his own IOU in return for that ride. He schooled his expression. “Sure. I gotchu. Whatchu need?”

Tad’s grin widened. “An interview with the Mighty King. My boss nearly shit a Chevy when I told him we were friends.” He laughed. “Then he ordered me to do a piece on you as part of my internship.”

Breck’s first instinct was to don a haughty smirk—a prestigious newspaper wanted an interview withhim—but then he remembered that hissuperstar profilewas the reason for his current predicament.

Butwashis basketball status the problem, or was it justhim, like Kai had said?

He sighed, already knowing the answer.

“Harland?” Tad’s voice again.

Breck blinked and looked back at him, then quickly forced a laugh. “Shit. Sorry… No, yeah, sure. I’ll totally hook you up.”

“Awesome.” Tad flicked Scott a smile. Scott returned it with a spellbinding one of his own. Tad went all starry-eyed, but managed to turn his attention back to Breck. “I was thinking we could do it this weekend while you were helping me move.”

Oh, damn. Breck almost forgot about that. Thankfully, he’d gotten a call from that tow truck dude. Repairs to his car were almost done—to make itdrivable. Body work would be another story. Either way, it looked like it’d be back in the nick of time.

Tipping his head, he raised his beer. “I’ll be there.”

If nothing else, it’d be one more thing to keep his brain off Kai.

“Thanks, man.” Tad beamed. “I’ll have some beers chilled and waiting.”

“Forafteryou’re done moving,” Scott chimed in, his smile amicable but his timbre firm.

Tad shot him a look. “Dude. We’re not morons. Why do you think we always have designated drivers?” A lopsided grin quirked his tipsy lips. “Of which, by the way, you are by far the best.”

Scott smirked and leaned close. “That’s what you said last night,” he murmured silkily, “while I was sucking your cock.”

Breck’s gut clenched at the double whammy. For one, he wasabsolutelythe moron Tad spoke of. Just last night, he’d driven his car under the influence. And second, that image Scott painted reverted his brain right back to Kai. The way his sinful mouth had rendered Breck mindless as he’d hung from those ropes.

A groan curled up his throat.

Tad turned from Scott and regarded him. “You okay?’

Breck nodded and swigged his beer. “Yeah. Fine.”

Tad studied him, then eyed his nearly full bottle. His dashing Mitchel smile emerged. “I’m gonna buy you a shot.” He gave Scott a nudge. “C’mon, baby. Let’s go hit the bar and order something strong.”

Scott flicked Breck a look as both guys got to their feet.