Jesus.What would he tell his parents? He’d definitely need to downplay it to spare them a stroke. Either way, his dad was going to go apeshit, the image it’d portray completely unacceptable in his eyes.

Willing his heart to calm, he closed his eyes. A few minutes later, one of the car’s rear doors opened. Kai, chucking his rope into a duffle bag. The door shut curtly, then Kai was shoving into the driver’s seat. His clothes were soaked. His dark hair dripping, his lashes spiky and wet.

“Thank you,” Breck murmured. “For calling a tow… And… probably saving my life.”

Kai met his gaze and gave a nod. He appeared more collected, but still looked frazzled. “Are your keys still in the ignition?”


Another nod. “Then Don should be good to go. He’ll take your car to his shop and call you in the morning.” Pulling back onto the road, he cut a U-ey.

Silence lingered for the remainder of the ride. Breck suspected Kai wanted it that way and it was probably for the best. His brain was totally scattered, his emotions a dumpster fire.

Nearing town, Kai finally spoke up. “Where’s your place?”

Breck’s gut clenched. “My place?”

“Yeah. So I can drop you off.”

Oh, God. He still couldn’t handle that atmosphere. His head was even worse off than it’d been before.

Heart thumping uneasily, he gave Kai directions. But only to the street corner down the road from where he lived. Not his actual fraternity house. The last thing he needed was to be spotted getting out of Kai’s Exorcist. He’d be swarmed in seconds, bombarded with a million questions. In his current state of mind, that’d put him over the edge.

Kai pulled to a stop but kept his engine running.

Breck peered toward his frat house and damn near grimaced.

Grab the door handle. Get out of the car.

Instead, he turned to Kai. “Please. I can’t go back there. Not yet. That place is a madhouse and my brain’s a fucking mess.”

Kai pursed his lips. “Breck—”

“Please.” Breck shifted to face him. “I swear I won’t bug you. Ipromise. Just let me crash on your couch.”

Kai closed his eyes. Drew in a long, slow, steadying breath. “Go home, Breck. Lie in the bed you’ve made. That’s whatadultsdowhen they fuck shit up.”

Breck stiffened. Kai was really going to get condescending? Right now, of all times? Grinding his molars, he ground out, “Don’t be a dick.”

Kai’s eyes snapped back open and pinned him. “Maybe I’m sick of always telling you to grow up.”

“Fuck you!” Breck exploded. “Iamgrown up!”

“Are you?” Kai shot back. “Because actions speak louder than words! What areyouractions, Breck? Huh? How ’bout I tell you. You sleep around, think only of yourself, turn bitchy when you don’t get what you want, and arealwaysdrunk. I mean, goddamn. Look what just fucking happened. You almostkilled yourself!”

“No, I didn’t!” He probably did, but now he was pissed.

Kai coughed a humorless laugh. “And there’s another one: youlie.”

Kai was calling him out and Breck fucking hated it.

Shame warred with fury as he fought to rein his temper back in. But then all his pride and raw emotion took control. “Thought you were different,” he grated, reaching for the handle. “Actually cared aboutme. But you don’t. You’re just like the rest.”

Shoving from the car, he slammed the door.

Jesus,he thought as he started to walk.When it rains, it pours.