Kai went quiet, then muttered so tightly it sounded like his vocal cords were being squeezed in a vise. “Because I realize I need to nip this in the bud. You’re too young for me. And in a lot of ways, too immature.”

Like a match struck, Breck’s ire ignited, all his tamped-down emotions exploding with a fiery burst. “Bullshit!” he shot back. “I’mnotimmature!”

“And yet you’re throwing a tantrum right fucking now.”

Breck bristled, even as his chest fissured wider, then got in Kai’s face and angrily canted his head. “Go fuck yourself, Kai Nakado.Go. Fuck. Yourself.”

* * *

Shoving into his car, Breck just sat there for a minute, tense and breathing heavily, his mind a riotous mess, one leg still out the door.

What the hell just happened in there?

He peered up at Kai’s place as rain pelted his windshield, eyes locking onto the low light emanating from the windows of Kai’s garden. The sight exuded calm, and yet down here, he felt anything but. His pride had just taken a beatdown—never had a lover ever turned him away—and yet the biggest blow Kai delivered had gone straight to his heart.

Grimacing, he rubbed his sternum, then punched his steering wheel. How could Kai do this, be such a fucking dick? Breck clenched his jaw, determined to stay angry. But as he peered back up at Kai’s place, his brows pinched miserably on a groan.

Yes, Kai had been an asshole, but Breck couldn’t exactly blame him for cutting him loose. If their roles were reversed, he’d have done the same. Nobody wanted to be another’s shameful secret, all kept in the shadows where the world wouldn’t see.

Especially not someone like Kai. He’dneverbe okay with being demeaned like that. He’d told Breck he picked his lovers with care. That a sexual communionmeantsomething to him.

Breck closed his eyes, inhaling raggedly. He couldn’t breathe. It felt like a bomb had blown a hole in his chest. What kind of mess had he gotten himself into? And more importantly, what had he just fucking lost?

So much more than just a passing good time. He’d screwed things up with the only man who’d ever seen him forhim. Who’d wanted him for reasons completely unrelated to basketball.

“Fuck!” His voice cracked as he punched the wheel again, his heart a thundering mess inside his ribs.

He needed to leave but couldn’t go back to the party. He’d be spotted in no time, even if he camped out in his car. He couldn’t deal with those people’s shit, and didn’t want to show up at Ned’s in this state.

His mind churned. And then it came to him.

The bridge.

A spot he went with Ned sometimes, overlooking the Potomac. Just a straight shot toward the highlands on that two-lane road. He could totally manage it. After that exchange with Kai, his buzz was nearly gone. And with it being so late at night, there’d be virtually no traffic.

Shoving his key into the ignition, he fired up the engine, pulled his leg in and shut the door, then flipped on his wipers.

Definitely not the outcome he’d hoped for.

With one last look at Kai’s apartment, he fastened his seatbelt and backed out of his parking spot. Short moments later, he turned on to Brenswick and was driving away.

The thunder abated, receding into the night, but the rain continued at a steady fall.

He turned on the radio and cranked the volume high.

Three nights with Kai. That was all he’d had.

A brand-new record for how quickly he’d managed to royally fuck something up.

A bitter laugh escaped his lips.Oh, the irony.

This ‘royal’ king was a dumbass jester after all.

A fool on the court of life—where real things actually mattered.

Ten minutes later, he spotted the bridge in the distance, lofty pines rising up to flank each side of the road. Those looming to the left climbed skyward up an incline. Those to the right reached only half as high, their stalwart trunks rooted much lower down the sloping terrain.

Music pulsed through his bones, the bass cranked high. He accelerated, needing to be at his safe haven right now. Sitting with his engine cut off as he stared at the river. A place he’d remain until his buzz burned off and he’d defragged his brain.