Heart thumping, he squared his shoulders—then frowned at the rain. Were he to walk, he’d be completely drenched by the time he arrived.

He scanned the street in both directions, the light of the streetlamps reflecting off the asphalt. In the distance, cars trundled through intersections, few and far between. He could drive, wasn’t as drunk as he typically got. And Kai’s pad was only a few blocks away. If things went well, he wouldn’t be driving again until tomorrow morning anyway.

Anticipation thrummed, lighting him up. He just needed his keys and then to sneak away undetected. Pivoting around, he slipped inside and quickly scaled the stairs, taking three at a time as indie rap reverberated off the walls.

Is this late-night visit a bad idea?

Only one fucking way to find out.

He reached the room he shared with Jegs and Charlie. Grabbing the doorknob, he gave a twist, but the thing was locked. One of his roomies was clearly getting lucky. Yet, to Breck’s good fortune, though the door was locked, it’d never been fully latched. Evidently, his drunk ass homie failed to shut it completely.

Smirking, he shook his head. Jade’s magic must still be working. He’d just slip inside and keep his eyes averted. The bunk bed’s location would ensure he’d never be seen. Whomever was on it would be facing the other way. They’d never know that he was there. In and out. No harm, no foul. Besides, it wasn’t like he’d never been walked in on before. In a frat house as active as this one, it happened all the time.

Easing inside, he held his hand up like a blinder, then quietly settled the door back against the jamb. Light was minimal. Just one bedside table lamp. And then came the sound of Jegs and Charlie’s bunk bed thumping against the wall. Connecting again and again to the music coming from somebody’s iPhone. Moans and gasps hit his eardrums next. A girl’s pants, a dude’s deep groans. Breck didn’t recognize his timbre, but whatever. It wasn’t like he’d committed to memory the noises his buddies made while they were getting laid.

Rain pattered on the window as he slinked along the wall, eyes locked on his dresser—

“Fuck, yeah— So good—” the girl panted. “But—ungh— where’s Jegs? I thought he wanted me to—ungh— suck his cock.”

“Oh, he’s here, babe,” some guy grunted. His voice sounded tight. “Just watching us fuck— all jerkin’ his cock— getting it ready for your mouth.”

Breck tensed at the implications of his words. One, Jegs was havinganother threesome. And two, he wasn’t participating at the moment. Meaning, Jegs was only partially preoccupied. Which in turn meant, he’d most likely spotted Breck as he’d crept into the room. Knowing him, his smug ass was just waiting for Breck to look their way. After all, Jegs had seemed pretty proud of his previous threesome. Breck could see him now, all boastfully beaming as he held back a laugh.


Bracing for any eyeful—and Jegs’ cocky grin—Breck shifted to face him, then froze in utter surprise. The visual that greeted him wasnotwhat he’d been expecting. Jegshadn’tseen him enter and wasmost definitelyparticipating. Their little threesome was goingstrong—despite the girl’s utter obliviousness. Due in part to her inebriated state, but mainly that blindfold around her head.

All three were naked, their backs to Breck as they faced Jegs’ bunk, the girl on her knees at the edge of the bed, cheek against the mattress. Behind her, a tall blond clutched her waist, his hips surging gingerly back and forth as he fucked. Gingerly, because standing behind him was none other than Jegs, with his dick in his ass.

Damn. What a riveting sight.

And Jegs wasn’t even moving. Was letting Tall-Blonde-and-Handsome do all the work. Every forward thrust pulling Jegs nearly out of him. Every withdrawal from the girl re-stuffing his ass with Jegs’ giant shaft. Essentially fucking himself and another at the very same time. Which Jegs foundveryentertaining, going by his soft, stifled laughs.

Frozen, Breck just stood there, not sure what to do. Afraid to move, lest he be spotted. Rapt at the erotic scene playing out before his eyes. After all, he didn’t typically watch others while they were fucking. That exhibition at Dom District had been the only other time. But even then, those having sex were in their own separate room.

“Faster!” the girl mewled. “Fuck me faster!”

Blondie groaned a curse, seeming almost reluctant. No mystery why. To fuck her faster meant fuckinghimselffaster—on Jegs’ massive cock.

In an effort to appease her, he put more power into his forward thrusts, slamming into her body with a lot more gusto and umph. Problem was, that only strengthened his delves, but did nothing at all in terms of increasing his speed.

“Faster!” she wailed, hardly placated. “Ashton,please!”

Jegs laughed. “Yeah, Ashton.C’mon. Give that mama what she wants.”

Stifling a noise that sounded wary as hell, Ashton pressed his brow to the top bunk’s railing and dutifully picked up the pace. Hips surging forward, then swiftly retreating back, forcefully impaling himself on Jegs’ ginormous cock.

Breck winced but didn’t look away, completely captivated.

“Yes!— Yes!—” the girl cried out. “Fuck, yes!”

Ashton grunted with every backward lurch. But then Jegs started moving too, ramming forward into his buddy’s ass.

Ashton unraveled, the pitch of his shouts climbing higher. “Uh!— Uh!—”

“Fuck, yeah,” Jegs grated, gripping the top bunk, his hips punching forward each time his buddy’s kicked back.

Goddamn. So aggressive.