“Diner it is.” Tad clipped on his seatbelt. “Take a left out of the parking lot and then another at the light.”

They arrived at the diner in less than ten. Breck parked then made his way with Tad to the establishment’s front door. The place was packed with lunchtime traffic, sun streaming in the windows, the aroma of fries and burgers wafting past his nose. They slid into a booth. Five minutes later and their waitress was heading off with their order.

Tad settled into his seat and visibly relaxed.

Breck grinned. “Stressful day in the wonderful world of internships?”

Tad chuckled and nodded. “Actually, yeah. Had a bunch of shit dumped on me all at once with their deadlines fuckin’ yesterday.”

Breck grimaced. “Maybe you shouldn’t’ve left for lunch.”

“Are you kidding? Ineedthe break. Likeseriouslyneed it.” He smiled tiredly. “So thanks. You are officially my hero.”

Breck grinned a little and nodded. “You bet.”

Tad regarded him.

But then their waitress returned with their drinks.

Averting his gaze, Breck freed his straw and took a swig of his Coke.

“So, where’s Ned?” Tad asked blatantly. He wanted to know why Breck was here and clearly was moving things along.

“Uh…” Breck fiddled with his napkin coaster. “I dunno. Off causing mayhem and madness somewhere, I’m sure.”

Tad’s lips twitched. “Yeah, you’re probably right. He certainly was in rare form when we went to Georgetown.”

Breck grunted. “Yeah, but he’s always in rare form. Can’t take that crazy kid anywhere, swear to God.”

Tad laughed. “The ladies don’t seem to mind him.”

“The ladies never do,” Breck deadpanned with a smirk.

Tad grinned. “His ‘the world is my oyster’ mentality definitely draws in the flocks.”

Breck smiled and nodded again. Ned the optimist. Every glass of water always half full. As he bounded his way through life pursuing his greatest excitement. Something he’d told Breck to do last Sunday as they’d played racquetball at the fitness center. Advice that Breck had decided to take. Which dropped him into one of the most incredible experiences of his entire life.

And hence one of the reasons he was here with Tad now.

Tad eyed him, took a drink of his lemonade, then finally gestured with a lift of his chin. “So, you gonna spit it out or what? My lunch break’s not getting any younger.” His lips quirked, his warm gaze knowing.

Breck shifted in his seat. They’d been friends since high school. Tad knew all his signs and was calling him out. No point in beating around the bush. He just had to figure out hownotto reveal too much.

And, naturally, when he needed ideas, none were coming to mind.

“It’s nothing.” He shrugged half-heartedly. “I mean, I dunno. Guess I just wanted to mix shit up. Sometimes evenIget tired of Ned’s pretty-boy face.”

Tad grinned, well aware that he was kidding.

Breck flashed a smile then got back to fiddling with his coaster. “And… you know… ever since you told us about you and Scott, and all of the times we’ve all hung out together since… Your situation just kinda… I dunno… makes me curious. You know… with how it works and all. Andno, I don’t mean how it works inthatway.” He smirked. “I know the mechanics, just… not the other stuff.”

Tad nodded, a slight pink tinging his cheeks. “Yeah, I remember you asking questions. Normal,reasonableones. While Jay and Ned focused so enthusiastically on all things awkward and inappropriate.” A grin tugged at his lips as he shook his head.

Breck laughed. “Yeah, but you knew that was coming.”

Tad chuckled, conceding. “I did.” Then he looked at Breck, reallylookedat him. “But not you. You were chill.”

Breck fiddled with his coaster.