Kai chuckled. “And we haven’t even gotten to high.” He bumped things up one final notch.

Breck stiffened, then instantly started to writhe. “Shit— Oh, shit— Oh, shit—” He fell into panting.

Kai’s lids dipped lower, drinking in Breck’s powerful response.

“Kai—” Breck gasped. “Turn that shit fucking down.”

Kai lifted a brow. “Back to calling me Kai?”

“Shit— I mean, Grandmaster—” he blurted.

Kai’s dick all but growled. “Alright. Which setting would you like?”

“L-Low!” Breck stammered urgently. “Ungh— Holy fuck.”

Kai fought back a laugh. Breck’s prostate was singing like it’d never sung before. “Fine.” He clicked it down a notch. “Medium it is.”

Breck clenched his jaw, even as his writhing somewhat eased. “I saidlow.”

“Yes. But that’s the level you’d be comfortable with. Where’s the fun and excitement in that? I’m giving you the opportunity to tackle the next level up.”

Breck bit back a groan and anxiously rocked his hips. “Gee, fucking thanks. But—Ungh—My God— I thought you didn’t want me to nut.”

“You won’t,” Kai assured him. This he knew. As long as he minimized all future contact with Breck’s dick.

Breck didn’t look so convinced. He twisted in his binds. “You sure about that? Enough to take the chance? ’Cause it sure as fuck—Ungh— doesn’t feel that way to me.”

Kai’s lips twitched. “I’m sure.”

“And— if you’re wrong?”

“Then I promise not to penalize you.”

Breck studied him as he squirmed, muscles twitching, his whole body taut.

Kai held his gaze and lazily caressed his hole. “Don’t clench. Relax your muscles,” he instructed, his finger circling slowly. “Keep your pelvic area nice and loose.”

Breck grunted through a tremor. “Not sure if that’s possible.”

“Try,jeja,” Kai coaxed. “Let the magic flow.”

Breck groaned but gave it a shot and visibly slowed his fidgeting.

Kai watched him with hooded eyes, anticipating.

Any second…

Breck shifted his hips, then abruptly sucked in a breath. “Oh, God—” His eyes went wide. He started to shake. “Oh, fuck— I think I’m gonna— fuckin’ come—”

Kai’s dick flat-out reeled at the look on his face. Raw, erotic alarm. Stark desperation. “Let it happen.”

Breck’s sphincter twitched against his finger, repeatedly clenching. Kai nodded and kept languidly stroking. Breck shivered and cursed, then clamped his eyes closed super tight.

Oh, hell no. Kai wasn’t missing this.

“Look at me,” he commanded, palming Breck’s throat just beneath his jaw.

Breck’s lids popped open on a ragged gasp. Every muscle constricted. Even his toes curled till their knuckles turned white. Then a strangled moan crawled up his windpipe as he began to quake. “Oh my—Fuuuuck—” he strained out urgently, eyes locked with Kai’s.