Redocking his cell, he dropped to his haunches and dug into one of his chestnut bins. A few small items went into his pocket. He returned the bin and stood back up, then rounded the room lighting pillar candles. Breck watched him, not saying a word. No doubt, he was secretly accusing him of trying to be romantic again.

Shaking his head, Kai smirked. “Relax, Mr. Skittish. They’re just candles. Not out toschmoozeyou.” He gestured to the window. “The sun’s getting ready to set. And trust me when I say you’re gonna want low lighting for this.”

Breck peered at the darkening sky. Shifted his pelvis. Licked his lips. Then locked his eyes right back on Kai. A sensation Kai loved, if he was being honest. The heady weight of Breck’s hungry stare. Like some energetic aphrodisiac. Inebriating. Sublime.

Blood pumping hotter, Kai turned to face him, then pulled his shirt up and over his head. “You ready?”

Breck craned his head to eye him but didn’t respond. At least not immediately. Seemed a little distracted. Which Kai supposed made sense. He’d never seen him with his shirt off before. Was taking him in for the very first time, his eyes roaming over his pecs, and then down to his abdomen. Then even lower. To where Kai was now sporting a healthy bulge. Evidently, the hungry gaze of a bull like Breck could have that effect on a guy.

Kai smirked. Crossed his arms and quirked a brow.

Breck blinked from his stupor. “Wait. Sorry. Um. What?”

“I said, are you ready.”

“Oh. Yeah. Right.” He nodded quickly. “Yes.”

Entertained, Kai sauntered over. Then did something he was certain Breck wouldn’t expect. He casually lay down on the floor, stretched out directly beneath him.

Breck regarded him, then coughed a small laugh. “You comfortable?”

Kai smiled, sliding a hand behind his head. In his other hand, he clutched his hoist’s small remote. Eyes hooded, he thumbed its bottom button. Breck began his slow descent, his hot gaze locked on Kai’s face.

Three feet and closing…

Two feet…

Six inches…

Kai stopped the hoist and set the controller away. Still holding Breck’s eyes, he smiled and murmured, “Hello, pretend lover.”

Breck’s lips twitched. “Hello.”

Kai lifted a brow. “Hello,what.”

Breck looked at him blankly. Would he remember Kai’s conditions? A heartbeat later, comprehension flickered in his gaze. Smiling sheepishly, he tried again. “Hello,Grandmaster.”

Kai’s lips curved. “Very good,jeja.”

Breck chuckled. “I call you Grandmaster, and you call methat?”

Kai grinned in amusement. “I call you whatever I want.”

He reached up and palmed Breck’s pecs, relishing how they flexed against his hands. Then the sound of Breck inhaling sharply when Kai thumbed his nipples. He regarded them appreciatively, back in their original state. So different from their appearance on Friday. When he’d had them so deliciously distended. Jesus, how he’d wanted to taste them. To take them into his mouth and suckle and tease them with his tongue. He’d resisted, though. Had had other plans. Tonight, however, was a completely different ballgame. Not that he didn’t plan to revisit that notion. Indeed, tonight he was going to put his mouth wherever the hell he wanted.

Exhaling softly, he stroked them some more, then pinched at them gently until they started to swell. Breck shifted his shoulders. Twisted his hips. Tamped a moan.

“You like when I play with these,” Kai mused, subtly tugging.

“I really fucking do,” Breck rasped as his lashes drooped.

“Hmm. Well, if you were mine, and I’d tied you up like this for fun, I certainly wouldn’t restrict myself to only using my fingers.”

Breck’s jaw went slack as he absorbed his words.

Kai gripped his sides and pulled him forward, then lifted his head and ran his tongue around Breck’s pebbled left nipple.

Breck moaned. “Ohhh shiiit.”