Kai grinned, still clapping, then mouthed,Well done,jeja.

* * *

“Thank you. That was awesome. Exactly what I needed.” Breck smiled at Kai as they sat on their hotel room’s sofa. His back to the arm rest, Breck’s legs rested across Kai’s lap, the scent of sencha wafting up from the mug he held clutched in his hand.

Kai had brewed them both some tea via their room’s coffee maker, after they’d finished Breck’s very first session of meditative qigong. Kai had suggested it after they’d arrived back from the Draft. The whole affair had had Breck’s muscles wound impossibly tight.

Not that things had gone badly. Hell, they couldn’t have gone better. Thanks, in part, to Tad and all of his preliminary PR help. Although, another person was due an honorable mention too, for assisting in bolstering his popularity even more.

The holder of his heart, Kai Nakado. He’d caused quite a stir when he’d stepped out of that limo. Every man, woman, and paparazzi had gone googly-eyed. Although, in fairness, Kaihadlooked like a model. Where Breck had looked like a billion bucks, he’d looked like a trillion.

Overall, the night had gone remarkably well. After getting picked up, he was swiftly ushered off to countless camera ops. Sports journalists everywhere with tons of questions, some personal, most professional. One reporter even likened Breck toJason Collins of the Nets, who unbeknownst to Breck, was the first openly gay active player in American sports. Breck wore that comparison like a badge of honor, along with the exuberant smiles of his parents as they looked on with pride.

Nevertheless, the whole affair had been mentally draining, and by the end of the night he’d been so keyed up that he couldn’t relax. Which Kai clearly sensed—he rocked at reading Breck like that—so he’d graciously offered to help him unwind.

“It’ll ground you,” Kai had stated, lighting some complimentary candles, “so you can release all your pent-up energies and realign.”

It was late, but Breck hadn’t had anything better to do. He certainly wouldn’t have been sleeping in his current state. So, he’d agreed, and in less than ten minutes, Kai had eased him into the gentle flow of serenity and bliss, every body movement, every inhale and exhale, part of one soothingly harmonious dance.

As a result, here they sat in the aftermath, relaxed and smiling as they lounged on the couch. The candles flickered their calming light. In the background, music quietly played. And, quite possibly for the first timeever, Breck knew indescribable peace.

Muscles loose, heart thumping happily, he continued smiling. “Maybe next timeyou can teach me some chai tea.”

“Tai chi,” Kai corrected, laughing. “And sure, I’ll teach you some moves. You might even like it even more than taekwondo.” He tossed Breck a teasing wink.

Breck laughed, too, in spite of himself. Although, in his defense… “Tai chi and chai tea sound ridiculously similar.”

Kai grinned. “If you say so.”

Breck shoved him with a smirk. “And just for the record, Ilikedtaekwondo. You just… I dunno… made my brain all…discombobulated.”

Kai laughed again. “Wow. Impressive diction.”

Breck grinned, proud of his fifteen-letter bombshell, but then his mind slid back to the outcome of their eventful night. “Still can’t believe I got picked up by the Washington Wizards. I don’t have to relocate.” He looked at Kai and smiled. “I get to stay with you.”

Kai inclined his head and returned his smile. “Not going to lie, that had me very relieved.”

Breck held his gaze, his thoughts suddenly many. “You’resureyou’re okay being in the public eye? Things might get crazy. I can’t guarantee shit won’t get dicey sometimes.”

Kai quieted and averted his eyes. He seemed wary. And then Breck remembered; Kai’s ex was a Big Apple model, high-profile just like Breck. And because of said high-profile status, their relationship had failed.

Thing was, it wouldn’t be like that with them.

“Hey,” Breck murmured. “I’m not like Ryan. You know this, right? The thing I want most, my number one wish, is to build a futurewith you. Yeah, I wanna play basketball, but that’s secondary. You understand that, right? If I ever had to choose, Kai… I’dalwayschoose you.”

Kai met his gaze and slowly smiled, and damn if those stars weren’t back in his midnight eyes. “You are nothing like Ryan. I’ve seen into your heart, and I know it’s true.”

Breck grinned and pulled him in close for a kiss. Tender lips, so warm and soft. And, God, Kai’s heavenly scent. Like evergreens in the autumn sun. Like happiness. Like home. He could bask in his affections forever. And after the last month, who fucking knew, he just might try. After Hawaii, he’d barely seen Kai at all, so busy with basketball stuff.

Which reminds me… He’d be busyagainthis weekend, moving all his shit out of the frat house and into Ned’s brand-new apartment.

Sighing, he eased back and forced a smile. “Soooo… Feel like helping me cart my stuff over to Ned’s this Saturday?”

Kai stilled, and then his expression turned pensive. A moment later, his eyes took on a sexy little gleam. Removing the mug from Breck’s hand, he set their drinks on the table, then turned and threaded all ten fingers through all of Breck’s until their palms pressed flush. “Yes.” He smiled. “I’ll help move… on one condition.”

Breck eyed him curiously. “Go on.”

“We move your stuff tomy place”—his smile widened—“instead of Ned’s.”