“You ready?” his mom asked with a grin.

“Beyond ready.” He’d been born for this moment. He knew it down to his bones.

“How ’bout you, Kai?” His dad chuckled. “Because let me tell you, ever since high school, Breck’s drawn quite the crowd.”

“Oh, please.Lookat him, Ben,” Breck’s mom laughed. “He’s going to draw a crowd all his own.”

Breck stifled a groan. He’d give his mom grief for that later.

Kai’s lips twitched. “I assure you, I’ve witnessed Breck’s popularitymanytimes first hand.”

“Let me guess,” Breck’s dad ventured. “During your taekwondo classes.”

Kai turned his gaze to Breck. “It certainly started there, but pretty much everywhere we’ve gone together as of late.”

Which, honestly, wasn’t a ton of places. Breck had been busy non-stop since they’d returned from their trip. But theydidsqueeze in time to do things whenever humanly possible. On several occasions, they’d gone out to grab a bite. Once they’d even caught a game. Not basketball, though. Baseball at Camden Yards—where Breck was spotted nearly as quickly as each time they’d gone out to dinner.

And for the most part, the reception had been positive. Then again, both he and Kaididloom over most people. Nevertheless, it’d given him hope for a similar outcome at the Draft tonight. As did the take-two interview he’d done with Tad.

Man, had Mitchel stepped hard to the plate, utterly confident theirs was an ingenious move. Because in going public by way of his article, Tad was able to load the piece up with praise for his courage, and thus establish early public support.

A calculating move by Tad, as Breck quickly discovered. Because well before Draft night, Breck’s story had hit the airwaves of big-network news, which, in turn, put all eyes on the owners of the NBA. Were they to blackball Breck, they’d never hear the end of it. A tarnish on their reputations they could never wash off. In that respect, widespread support was one powerful incentive to the powers that be.

His parents smiled, gazing over at him and Breck, all awkwardness regarding their relationship just an afterthought at this stage in the game. During one of Breck’s breaks between out-of-town activities, they’d invited them over a couple of times for lunch. Breck had been nervous, but Kai had taken it in stride, quickly becoming the calm-cool-and-collected rock, ever at Breck’s side.

He and Breck’s parents had gotten along pretty great. And Breck supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised. Kai was a charmer, after all, with captivating poise. Breck’s dad clearly liked his disposition, and that glint in his mom’s eyes confirmed that his and Kai’s chemistry was coming through loud and clear. And that’d made her happy. It’d been clear on her face, but especially in her actions, when she gave them both a giant, affectionate hug before they left.

Even his dad looked covertly pleased with Breck’s choice of partners. Which sort of made sense in a roundabout way. Kai had that classy, intelligent demeanor about him that Breck’s dad had always pushed Breck to look for in a prospect. Heliterallycheckedeverybox on that picky man’s list.

Oh, the irony.

Nevertheless, Kai’s impression on Breck’s parents had been ‘nothing but net.’

Breck grinned as Kai met his gaze, so utterly honored to have him by his side. Especially tonight of all nights, when the whole world was watching. They’d see for themselves what an incredible catch the king had managed to land.

The limo eased to a stop in front of the venue’s grand entrance. Huge crowds teemed on either side of the red-carpeted walk.

Breck’s heart went full throttle. “Oh, God. Here we go.”

Kai peered at the masses, then turned back to Breck. And just like that, those stars were back in his eyes. “Showtime,jeja. Breathe and have a blast. You’ve earned this. Youdeservethis.” He donned a wry grin. “Now go strut your stuff.”

Across the way, Breck’s parents smiled in agreement.

“Right behind you, Son.” His dad all but puffed out his chest.

Their chauffeur opened up the door.

Breck drew in a breath, then shoved from the limo and greeted the multitudes.

The crowd went wild, the barrage of camera flashes damn near blinding his vision. He smiled wide and lifted his hand but stayed right where he was. Kai emerged from the limo next and casually stepped to his side.

The briefest hush swept over the masses, as if taken by Kai’s beauty, his stunning appearance just that much more obvious when experienced in person. And it was definitely his looks that held them speechless, since their relationship had been public knowledge for a solid month.

Breck turned to him and grinned, then took his hand. And what do you know, the crowd went doubly wild.

His insides leapt.

I owe you big time, Mitchel.