God, he looked so surreal under the moonlight. Like some beautiful midnight angel descended in answer to Breck’s silent prayers.

Heart thudding, Breck cleared his throat. “Hey… Thanks for answering.”

Kai’s intelligent eyes glinted. “I suspected it’d be the easiest way.”

Must’ve sensed that Breck wouldn’t be leaving until he opened up.

Breck smiled sheepishly.

Kai merely regarded him, then gave his body a slow, contemplative onceover. His gaze felt so incredibly good. But then his eyes rose back to Breck’s with a frown. “It’s late. What can I do for you, Breck?”

The distance in his voice stung.

Breck hesitated, suddenly uncertain of what to do.

You got this, Harland. Don’t overthink it.

“I just need you to give me a couple minutes of your time.”

Kai’s lips pursed, apprehension clear in his posture. He rubbed his mouth, and then his forehead. “Breck, I don’t think so.”

“Please.” God, he sounded so desperate. He didn’t care, though. Truth be told, hewasdesperate.For this man.

Kai studied him, then finally exhaled softly. “Fine. Just a couple of minutes.” Turning on his heel, he headed back inside.

Breck’s heart leapt with its first glimpse of hope.

Following behind Kai, he shut the door and trailed him up the steps. Memories returned of the first time he’d gone to Kai’s apartment. That fateful afternoon following graduation. Felt like ages ago, when he’d followed Kai up this stairwell. And yet, somehow it also felt like yesterday.

Jesus, his head had been in such a different place then. So viscerally attracted to Kai, while at the same time, wishing he wasn’t. Thinking only of how it complicated his perfectly orchestrated life. Then convincing himself all he wanted from this man were some random bouts of fun.

Of course, now he knew better on both fronts. His perfectly orchestrated life was absolutely anythingbut. And what he wanted from Kai was so much more than casual sex.

They reached Kai’s pad, but as they stepped inside, Breck’s jaw went instantly slack at the mesmerizing sight. Speechless, he peered around the apartment as soft, lit candles everywhere as ambient music soothingly filled the space. Cream-colored pillars on virtually every surface. Kai’s shelving unit, his coffee and end tables, even the steps beyond the couch leading up to his bedroom. A bedroom, incidentally, that was visible this time. Not concealed behind large shoji doors. Breck stole a look at Kai’s large platform bed, enamored by its design and how it rested so close to the floor. Never in his life had a sleeping surface ever looked so sexy.

Stop staring at his bed, you fucking idiot.

He forced his gaze back to the candles, then slid Kai a questioning look.

Kai’s smile was subtle. “I was doing tai chi.”

Breck eyed him blankly, his answer still not clarifying much. “Tai chi… Isn’t that some kinda drink?”

Kai’s lips twitched. “No, that would bechai tea.”

“Oh... Right.” It was official. Breck was a moron.

Kai’s smile spread a little wider. “Tai chi is a type of meditation. Specifically, meditation in motion. Helps to circulate chi—or life force—through the physical and energetic body. The candles create a calming effect.”

“Ah.” Breck nodded,sort ofgetting it. He’d ask Kai to elaborate on ‘life force’ later.

Kai led him into the living room. “Feel free to have a seat.”

“Um. No, thanks.” Breck pocketed his hands. Shifted his weight. He didn’t want to sit. In truth, he was too wound up to do so, anyway.

Kai tipped his head, then crossed his arms and soberly regarded him. “So… I take it you’ve got something to say?”

Breck nodded again, his heart thumping faster. “Yeah. I uh… I just wanted to say that… I really think you should give this another chance.”