Third time’s a charm.

Exhaling, he dropped his hands and met Ned’s eyes. “There’s something I’ve never told you about me. Something I’ve never toldanyone… including mydad.”

Ned crossed his arms and eyed him wryly. “My boo’s got a secret.”

Breck chuckled humorlessly. “Well, if it’s any consolation, this secret-keeping business has not been fun.”

“Uh huh. Whatever, you secretive bitch. Just get fuckin’ talking.”

“I’m bi,” Breck blurted. “And I’ve got it bad for a guy.”

Ned stilled, and then his jaw fell open. “Wait. What?” He stared at Breck, confused. “But… all thegirls.”

“I know,” Breck muttered. “Turns out I really like both. Not that I’ve been with a ton of guys, because I haven’t. Just two. Thing is, it’s not just about the sex this time. I’m more than just attracted to him. It’s like Ilike him-like him…A lot.”

Ned blinked, then raked a hand through his bangs. “Holywow…”

“Right?” Breck sighed, sitting back. “Leave it to Breck the Unattainable to finally fall for adude.”

Ned frowned, clearly still digesting this revelation. “I never saw the signs… God, what kind of best friend am I?”

“Nah, man. Like I said, there’s only been two. One sophomore year… and the one right now. The rest, all girls.”

Ned regarded him, then finally grinned. “So, who is it? This lucky fellow who tamed the almighty king?”

Breck smiled sadly and looked away. “Doesn’t matter. I epically blew it and now he’s totally done.”

“Who. Is. It?” Ned persisted. “I’m your best fuckin’ homie, I hold the rights to know.”

He absolutely did. Breck would never contest that.

But just sayinghisname was going to seriously hurt. Bracing his heart, he met Ned’s gaze. “Kai,” he murmured.

Wait for it…

Ned’s eyes bugged wide. “Whoa, what?” He started laughing. Then his gaze strayed in thought. “Oh, my fucking nut... It all makes sense.” He looked back at Breck. “I totally see it now. That stick up your ass whenever he was around. You didn’twantto like him. He was a complication. But you couldn’t fucking help it, and that shit pissed you off.”

Breck feigned another smile. “See? Youdoknow me, G. The same old idiot, just with my dick pointed a different way.”

“Man, oh, man.” Ned chuckled. “That man has made youornery. I was starting to worry about your grumpy ass.”

Breck’s shoulders slumped in both relief and resignation. He’d finally told his friend, but what Ned just said was entirely true. So much time he’d wasted being irritated at Kai. Time he could have spent enjoying his company while he actually could.

Ned quieted. “So, how come you never told me?”

Breck sighed and shrugged a little. “I dunno. Maybe ’cause for the most part, that side of me has always been benched? I never pursued it much ’cause I kindacouldn’t. You know, being in the public eye and all. Too big of a risk for potential bad press. God knows, my old man would never have stood for that shit.”

“Why? He’s not a homophobe.”

“No, but he’s been busting his ass to get me into professional basketball. If I ever went public, I’d be putting all his efforts on the line, too.”

Breck shook his head and frowned at his friend. “My dad’s got very little faith in society. And, I mean, I get it. He lived in the south growing up. People weren’t exactly the greatest back then.”

“But the world’s gotten better. Way better.”

“Yeah… it has. But, you know, it can still be harsh. Everybody loves to build a man up and then knock him down.”

Ned seemed unable to argue that one. Everybody knew that, even now, there were assholes in influential places that could, and oftentimes still did, exercise their power in highly discriminatory ways.