“Of course.” Breck nodded, rubbing his brow.

“Anyway, so then when you get back from that, there’s Draft preparation training and team workouts the following week. So more flights to book. I’ve got vacation time saved up, so I could probably accompany you for the duration—”

“No, don’t worry about it. I got that one covered, too.”


“I’mgood,” Breck insisted. “I’ll be with my boys.”

“That’s what I’m worried about. You party way too much when you’re with them. I’ve seen some of the pictures posted on social media. You’ve got to stay focused, Breck.On top of your game.”

“Iknow, Dad. Don’t worry, I’ll be smart.”

“You better be. You’ve got one shot at this, Breck.One. Shot.”

“I know. I won’t fuck it up.”

Dad grumbled something, then continued. “Anyway, once you’re back from training, you’ll get another small break before it’s time for the Chicago Combine...”

Breck rubbed his head and tried not to feel overwhelmed.

“… so I’m thinking during that break your mom and I can come by and help you move your stuff. Your lease is going to be over soon.”

Breck stiffened at the thought of moving back home. How had his living situation after graduation not even crossed his mind? The answer to that was obvious, in hindsight. He’d had way too much other shit going on.

His anxious gaze cut to Ned. And God bless that man, he came through for Breck like a gilded champ, quickly gesturing that Breck could stay at his new place for as long as he needed.

Thank you, Breck mouthed with an I-owe-you-bigsmile. “Uh, thanks for the offer, Dad, but I’m good there, too. Ned’s moving into his own apartment in July and is letting me crash with him ‘til the Draft.”

“What? Are you serious?”

“Yeah. It’s all good.”

“But… Your mom… She’ll be so disappointed. She’s been so excited to have you back for a while before you’re shipped off to whatever team signs you.”

Breck frowned at the thought of making his mom sad. “She’ll still see me. I’ll come visit soon.”

“Will you really? Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

And didn’t those words make Breck feel like shit. How many times had he promised to come by but it never panned out?

“Yeah... I’m sure.” This time he’dmakeit happen.

“All right, I guess.” Dad didn’t sound pleased.

And then Breck sensed it. His old man shifting gears. Moving from briefing mode to start in on more lectures. Breck tamped a groan and slumped back on the sofa, bracing for another round of ‘do this, this, this, and this, but donotdothat.’

“On a side note…”

Here we go.

“… a reminder on public conduct.”

Breck slid Ned a look. Ned winced and rubbed his jaw.

“No wild parties, Breck. I mean it. I remember how things were with my fraternity brothers. Even Ned’s gotten a little too wild and crazy these days, if you ask me.”

Ned’s brows shot up in awho, me?expression, even as a distinct glimmer of pride glinted in his eyes.