“Yeah. Me, too.” Scott’s smile spread wider. But then his expression turned thoughtful again. “Although, in hindsight, I realize now that it hadn’t just been Tad’s reservations that’d been fucking things up. My own issues had been part of the problem, too.”

Kai eyed him as they closed in on their cars. “Yourissues?”

Scott exhaled. “My need to be accepted and not the source of someone else’s shame. Growing up, my dad had always been embarrassed of me because I was gay. The bane of his existence. His greatest regret.” He slowed to a stop at the rear of his car. “So it’s like I superimposed those buried emotions onto my relationship with Tad. And that wasn’t fair. Tad wasn’t my dad and never would be. I should’ve been more patient, more understanding, and given him the time that he deserved.”

Kai frowned, pausing at his own car, parked next to Scott’s. Again, like at the art show, Scott’s words made him wonder if he’d been doing the same. Allowing his resentment of Ryan to taint his perception of Breck.

Maybe it was time for Kai to admit that his problem wasn’t solely with Breck. Recalling how quickly Ryan’s infidelity had surged back at the first sight of Breck with those girls—it was clear his own baggage was still affecting him. Influencing his discernment. Making him begrudge Breck and his driving ambition. Not to mention, judgingallhigh-profile professions as inherently negative.

But Ryan’s success in modeling hadn’t been the problem, hischaracterhad. Nor were Breck’s basketball ambitions the issue. Just his fear.

Breck wasn’t the only one harboring fear, though. Kai realized that, in a way, he was scared of things, too. Like being another man’s second string, standing on the sidelines, or worse—left behind.

Thing was, Breck’s fears were proving just as strong as his aspirations and, unlike Tad, he seemed more than content hiding behind his straight-boy façade.

Sighing, Kai popped his trunk and started loading it with boxes. “You’re a lucky man to have found him, Scott. Someone willing to take that kind of risk for you.”

Scott paused and met his gaze. “It wasn’t luck. It was love.” He smiled wryly. “A power one would be wise not to underestimate. If there’s a will, I guarantee, itwillfind a way.”

Kai eyed him, sensing that Scott was talking to him between the lines. On the surface, discussing his journey with Tad, while underneath… attempting to give Kai some advice. As if he understood, and wholly respected, why Kai couldn’t discuss his situation with Breck.

His lips curved in appreciation. Sometimes he swore Scott was the oldest of souls.

Grabbing another box, he set it next to the others, then repeated the action until his trunk was full, all the while contemplating Scott’s words. The counsel he’d offered without putting Kai on the spot.

Scott may be right about the power of love, but in Kai’s situation, love wasn’t the only formidable opponent at play. Fear and pride were also on the court. And neither one looked to be tiring.


“Man, it wascrazy. That girl hasseriousgame. I’ve never had a woman play so hard to get in all my life. She made meworkfor it that night at the bar. That’s why I didn’t come back to our table for so long.”

Breck smirked as he pulled his darts from Ned’s dartboard. “Maybe she’s just not into you, pretty boy. Surely there’s gotta bea coupleon this planet who aren’t.”

“Nah, man.” Ned moved into throwing position. “She wasdefinitelyinto me. Was throwingblatantyou’re-the-one-for-me vibes with those big, beautiful, ocean-blue eyes.”

“Hmm. So maybe she’s just shy?”

“I dunno...” He sounded perplexed. “Felt more like she was wary… or guarded or something. Her whole demeanor was totally intense.” He threw his darts.

“Ah.” Breck nodded as he watched, chill music playing in the background of Ned’s college apartment. “Probably knows your reputation. Ned, the college campus womanizer.”

“Hmm… Maybe, I guess. But what the shit, ya know? I wasn’t asking her to fuck.”

“Weren’t you, though? In a roundabout way?”

Ned considered that. “Actually, no. Not really. I mean, she’s beautiful. I’dloveto get with her, but that’d definitely be down the road. She’s not like the others. I’m telling you, she’sdifferent. Doesn’t roll the way other girls do.”

Breck nodded. “Not interested in one-night stands.”

“Nah. But shedideventually give me one hot fucking dance.” He smiled and pointed facetiously at his face. “Couldn’t resistthis.” He gestured to his body next. “Or for the love of sex appeal, any ofthis.”

Breck tamped a laugh. “How couldanychick resist you?”

Ned beamed and puffed out his chest. “They can’t.”

Breck lifted a brow.

“Okay,fine.Oneperson did.” His smile ebbed. “Not gonna lie, I was genuinely wrecked...” He scratched his head, sighed, then slapped on another facetious grin. “As you can see, I haven’t been right ever since.”