“Goddamn, he’s so fucking fine—in a naughty boy sort of way. If you didn’t already own my heart, Jay, I’d be on that man likewhite on rice.”
“Pfft,” Jay grunted. “He’s not all that.”
Marcie eyed her boyfriend like he’d lost his mind. “Seriously? Surf boy, you are so cut off, ’cause neither your brain nor youreyesare workin’ right.”
Sitting with his crew around a table at Grangers, Breck flicked the lovebirds a fleeting look, then turned his attention to the object of Marcie’s obsession. The guitarist performing on stage, entertaining the masses. If memory served, the musician’s name was Ledger. And in fairness, hewaspretty hot. Covered in ink, with brown hair to his shoulders. Dark, smoldering eyes and a sexy goatee.
Ned lifted his beer in solidarity with Marcie. “If I were gay,I’dfuckin’ do him.”
Marcie wiggled her brows. “So be gay, and then you could.”
Ned grinned roguishly, playing along. “Right? We only live once.”
Breck’s chest clenched at his words. The very same sentiment he’d voiced to Kai a week ago, when he’d made the decision to go for it and let Kai tie him up a second time.
Jay snorted. “As if that ladies’ man would let Ned near his ass.”
“I dunno. We don’t call him pretty boy for nothing.” Marcie shot Ned a grin.
Ned puffed out his chest. “Yeah, man. I’ve had my share of hot dudes hitting on me. My magnetism transcends all genders and palates, my sex appeal impossible to resist.”
“I’ve got no problems resisting,” Jay laughed. “Hell, evenTad’snever given you eyes.”
Ned scoffed. “’Cause we’rebrothers, you asshat.” He slid Scott a contemplative look. “Whyhis manhas yet to undress me with his eyes though, I can’t understand.”
Drunken laughter erupted around the table.
Scott just grinned and gave a shrug. “Shy boy beat you to the punch. Had I seen you first, however… itdefinitelywould’ve been game on.” He slid Tad a conspiratorial wink.
Tad’s lips curved. Turning to Ned, he climbed aboard. “Confession time.Bigtimecrush on you since eleventh grade.”
Ned laughed and smacked the table. “Iknewit!Alwaysgrabbing my fuckin’ ass during wrestling matches!”
More inebriated laughter around the table.
Except for Breck. He just smiled a little and shook his head. It’d take more than mindless banter to punt him out of his mood. Ever since last night, he’d been stuck nonstop inside his stupid head. Upset about his car—and nearly biting it—but mostly about Kai. To a degree that absolutely boggled his brain.
How could that man have him so twisted in knots? Breck should be furious over the way Kai had treated him. Kicking him to the curb over one fleeting—and in his defense,very legitimate—freakout at The District. Then totally shunning Breck again when he’d needed Kai most. He’d been shaken after that crash, wrecked worse than his Nissan. For shit’s fucking sake, he’d almostdied.
Because, yes, Kaihadbeen there inthatsense, to save him, but when Breck’s heart and soul had needed him, he’d been AWOL. Which had rocked Breck so much harder than he’d ever expected. Never in his wildest dreams had he ever imagined he’d needanother manso much.
He hadn’t been able to eat. Or sleep for that matter. He’d been dragging ever since he got up. Dodging homies at the frat house all morning for as long as he could. Hadn’t been easy, though.
Especially with Jegs. It was like that bitch had a tracking device on his motherfucking ass. All perky and in an irritatingly good mood, talking Breck’s head off to the point he’d actually groaned. Why so cheery? Because of his three-way last night?
Breck had damn near asked him about his buddy, Ashton. He’d held his tongue though, because that was none of his business. If Jegs wanted to tell him, then he would. Instead, Breck had escaped with the trusty gotta-piss-I’ll-be-right-back maneuver and ducked out the door, resigning himself to taking a walk. No other options had been available anyway, with his car in the shop.
A few minutes later, he’d stopped dead in his tracks. Though his mind had been totally checked out, his feet seemed to have known exactly what they were doing. Had nearly carried his oblivious ass to Kai’s apartment. They’d even been sly enough to take an alternative route.
He’d thrown an about-face and trudged back the other way. As badly as he would’ve loved to have seen Kai, he’d known Kai wouldn’t share his enthusiasm.
Breck scowled, pulling himself from the memory. This was insane. Kai had knocked him off his axis, and now his struggle to right himself was proving hard as hell. Probably because a very big part of him didn’t want to go back. Wanted to stay in this brand-new paradigm with that exasperating man.
Ugh. What was wrong with him? Was he crazy? A glutton for punishment? Intentionallytryingto make his life even more fucking difficult? If he were smart, he’d decide right now to do what it took to get Kai out of his head.
He frowned down at his longneck, the one he’d been nursing for the past half hour. Beer had definitely helped with his first ‘Kai purge.’ It’d subdued him, distracting his mind, while an endless line of honeys kept his body busy.
Breck exhaled and scratched the label of his beer. Problem was, he didn’t want to revert. No longer had the urge to kill a twelve pack. Or fuck a chick. The one and only thing he wanted was more time with Kai.