Thunder rolled in the distance, mixing with the music pulsing from inside the house. Breck frowned up at the starless sky, then pulled out his phone and eyed its screen again. Five after one. It’d only been a couple of minutes. Although,whyhe kept checking the time, he didn’t really know.

Pfft.Yes, he did.

He was trying to gauge if Kai was home from the show.

Because a part of him was halfway considering heading back to his apartment.

He shifted his weight, thinking about the last time he’d gone to Kai’s in the middle of the night. He’d been wasted and totally livid. But this time would be different. He wondered how Kai would receive him. Would the sight of Breck darkening his doorstep make him smile or frown?

Anxious energy coursed through Breck’s body, growing more and more restless over thoughts of Kai with that other man.

Music blared louder as the front door opened. He glanced over his shoulder—and inwardly cursed. Jade. And that glint in her eye looked more determined than ever. Sometimes he hated how alcohol emboldened the opposite gender.

“Hey, Breck,” she chirped, her voice somehow still managing to sound seductive. “Congrats on the win.” Her green eyes flashed. She was fishing for some appreciation.

“Thanks.” Breck smirked. “That luck of yours is a powerful thing.”

She preened, closing the door to stand beside him. Swapping her drink to her other hand, she casually gripped his elbow. Again, Breck cringed at her cold, delicate touch.

More thunder boomed.

She glanced at the sky. “It’s gonna rain.”

“Looks that way.” Breck turned away to peer through one of the windows. Not because he cared what people were doing inside, but to strategically disentangle her fingers from the crook of his arm.

She dropped her hand and gazed up at him intently. Licked her lips. Then cast an inviting smile. “Anything else you need good luck for?”

Breck glanced down at her, a grin tugging at his mouth. If she thought she was getting a kiss from him, she was utterly delusional. “Nope.” He pocketed his hands. “Should be good for the night.”

She laughed and sidled closer. “Oh, but didn’t I tell you? The power of my kisses only last for a couple of minutes.” She peered up at him through her long, black lashes, and again, her small, chilly hand settled onto his arm.

Like before, his kneejerk reaction was to move away.

He’d already used that tactic though, so he focused on evasion. “Well then, I’ll be sure to have someone fetch you when we start another round.”

She cocked a brow, not seeming to like that. Pursing her lips, she dropped her hand again and stared into the night. “So, why’re you out here?”

“Needed some air…” He glanced in the direction of Kai’s dojang. “…and a couple minutes alone.”

Take the hint. Please, take the hint.

Jade stilled, then quickly shuttered her frown. “My bad,” she laughed tightly, turning for the door. “I’ll catch you inside.”

Thank you, Universe.

Breck nodded. “Sounds good.”

Her lips quirked into a smirk. “Don’t forget tofetchme.”

“I won’t.” Which was true. He wouldn’tforget. He’d intentionallyrefrain. Jade was as attractive as they came, he just wasn’t in that place.

The door shut behind her as the first raindrops fell, a thunderclap rending the night sky from the west. Breck frowned, peering once more toward Kai’s place. This anxiety he was feeling just wasn’t going away. He needed to see him. To talk to him. To feel his presence. The soothing balm of his body heat.

The rain picked up, pinging off the stoop’s small covering. Intensifying, like his restlessness to see Kai.

Fuck it. He was going over there.

One way or another, he’d find out tonight where he stood.