“But your good luck kiss.”

He pointed to his cheek. “Received.”

She pouted, but he ignored it and set her back on the floor. Charlie did the same with her friend, then eyed Breck, perplexed.

Breck shrugged and shoved the chair away. “You ready, dog?”

And just like that, Charlie’s drunk ass refocused. “Hell yes.”

On three, they lunged in opposite directions, then lobbed their balls toward Reggie and Jegs. Bouncing off their opponents’ chests at the perfect angle, they ricocheted downward into their pyramid of cups. Both hit their mark. The audience exploded with cheers. No doubt, to them, that’d been a spectacular feat.

In fairness, though, this game was all buttailor-madefor basketball players. Jegs and Reggie could’ve easily pulled off the exact same move.

Which they turned around and did, to save face.

Five minutes later, the game concluded. Breck feigned another grin, bumping fists with Charlie and then the losers across the way.

“Rematch in thirty,” Jegs laughed. His glazed eyes scanned the vicinity. “Right after I findmesome high-octane good luck.”

“Pssh,” Charlie scoffed. “Ain’t no amount of luck gonna put you on our level. Even with your height and reach advantage, we still handed you your ass.”

Jegs’ eyes narrowed, his lips curving into a smirk. “We’ve just been butterin’ you up, my guy. Next round, there’s gonna be carnage.”

Charlie cracked up laughing, and then the banter was on, verbal jabs flying as they ambled off toward the keg.

Breck shook his head, then glanced at his phone. Nearly one in the morning and still no response from Kai. Breck had sent him a text earlier, wanting to talk. Or more specifically, to apologize about last night. What a dumpster-fire debacle that’d been.

Fortunately, upon returning home, after Breck had changed back into his regular clothes, Kai had clued him in onhowDom District kept people like Jackson from talking. Three words: security camera footage. In other words, if Jackson talked, they’d start leaking videos. To his school. To his friends and family. Then a full-fledged assault over social media.

That knowledge had definitely eased Breck’s anxiety and was the reason he wasn’t currently losing his mind. Evidently, Dom District took its What-Happens-In-Vegas-Stays-In-Vegas protocol very seriously. According to Kai, to even get inside, each patron had to sign an actual privacy agreement. The only reason Breck hadn’t was because Kai held clout. The owners respected him and trusted his judgment completely.

All said and done, Breck had felt mostly reassured. Thing was, now he was bugging about something else. Kai, and where Breck presently stood with him. No words had been spoken on their drive home last night. Kai had seemed utterly and entirely lost in thought. And notgoodthoughts, if his expression had been any indication. The rigid set of his jaw. The tightness of his shoulders as he’d maneuvered the steering wheel. With a resigned-looking frown, he’d gone totally distant. As if their walls of old had suddenly been thrown back into place.

Something that, at the time, Breck hadn’t dwelled on. He’d been too pissed off and freaked the fuck out. Had way bigger problems to contend with. Like how to salvage his future.

Now though, he believed he’d dodged the bullet. And all that anger had mostly faded away. He knew Kai hadn’t meant for that shit to happen. He’d been taken off guard just as badly as Breck. And yet, he’dstillhandled the situation with composure and rationality.

Which Breck should thank him for.

But literally couldn’t.

Because Kai was at The District working over another man. Binding him, touching his body. Both physically and psychologically ramping him up.

Breck cursed and rubbed the top of his head, his insides twisting into restless knots. He could have gone with him, but he hadn’t. He’d been too frazzled. What’s more, in his fury last night, he’d all but told Kai to take his invite and shove it up his ass. Not that Kai had re-extended said invite. In truth, he’d seemed downrightimpatientfor Breck to vacate his apartment.

Breck balled his fists at his sides, wary at what that implied, as a new set of teams commandeered the beer pong table. Was Kai pissed at him? Turned off by his behavior? And in return, had he resolved to have some fun tonight with his model instead? Hoping it’d get Breck—and last night’s shitshow—solidly out of his brain?

The mere notion made Breck anxious as hell.

Ugh!Just what I need. Another source of stress.

Scowling, he headed into the living room—only to mutter out another oath. At this late hour, after so much imbibing, the inhibition threshold had plummeted to virtually zero. Everywhere he looked, couples kissed and groped, reminding him of what he was missing, of what he’d bowed out of tonight with Kai.

Heart thumping, he peered around the room. One guy had his girl pressed against the wall, her leg hooked around his hip, his hand completely inside her shirt. Another chick was straddling her stud on the sectional couch, ass grinding back and forth over that bulge in his pants. On the opposite end, one of Breck’s very own frat brothers had his prize flat on her back, tongues tangoing as his jean-clad hips rocked between her thighs.

Sighing, Breck headed for the door. He needed some air. And some quality solitude.

Trudging onto the porch, he sagged in relief. No one around. Evidently, those taking a piss or having a smoke were all doing so around back.