“Don’t youdarefucking tell me to calm down! You don’t think that pissant’s gonna go run his mouth? Tell all his fucking friends what he saw? I mean,look at me!” He gestured furiously at his half-dressed body. “This isnotthe image Iworkedmy ass offto convey!”

“Breck, listen to me. He won’t tell any—”

“The fuck he won’t!Especially now, when he’s so pissed that we lied!”

“He doesn’t know for sure—”

“Yes, he does. I saw it in his eyes. He hadzero doubt.”

Kai sighed and rubbed his brow. “He can’t break confidence. He signed an agreement. It’s District law. They’ll remind him of this.”

Breck shook his head and looked away. “He’s a punk. He won’t care.” Covering his face, he emitted the most anguished sound. “Just get me out of here before I puke. Just fuckinggo.”

Kai’s frown deepened. He fired up the engine. What just transpired was revealing so much. Over Breck’s dead body would he ever go public about his sexuality, much less his involvement with Kai. Fear still ruled him. Fear of being found out. And that fear was a toxic and suffocating thing. Not just for Breck, but also for Kai. He could feel it all around them even now, poisoning the very air they breathed.

Backing out, he made his way toward the parking garage exit. He felt terrible about what had happened, but Breckwouldbe fine. That kid wouldn’t talk. The District would ensure it, had methods in place that kept its patrons in line.

But this thing between Kai and Breck? Thatwouldn’tbe fine. He didn’t want this. All this conflict and drama. Breck’s guarded, anxious energy constantly pulling him out of alignment. Out of balance.

It wasn’t healthy, this dynamic between them. Especially now that Kai sensed he was getting attached. He was bad for Breck’s sanity. And Breck was bad for his. And damn it, he’d worked too hard to find peace again. After Ryan, it’d taken forever to get it back. He refused to let a hot-headed college kid come and steal it away again.

Pulling onto the street, Kai headed for the interstate. This thing with Breck wasn’t just a pipe dream. It was short-sighted and rash. And that saddened him. Made his heart feel heavy. Because tonight, he’d started to feel a connection. Maybe it’d been the hand holding, or that impromptu kiss. The way Breck reacted to Kai’s gesture of comfort. They’d been aligning in some new, pivotal way. To the point that it’d begun to alter Kai’s overall perspective.

He should’ve known better, though. He was smarter than this. And what had just happened was his confirmation. This business with Breck was a fantasy and nothing more.


“Ha ha!” Jegs laughed triumphantly. “Bottoms up, bitches.”

Beside him, Reggie grinned widely. They’d just shot in unison, both of their ping-pong balls finding a beer in Breck and Charlie’s Solo cup formation.

Another frat party going strong. Music thumping and pulsing. Cold brew from the keg flowing virtually nonstop.

With graduation concluding the school year early for seniors, there were plenty of other students still on campus for a handful more weeks. Besides, the frat house’s lease extended through June. And since this was the end of an era for Breck and his fraternity, neither he nor his crib mates were in a rush to move back home with their parents.

Charlie cursed with a laugh and fished out one of the balls, his drunk ass and clumsy fingers making it slosh all around.

Breck forced a smile and grabbed his too, then tapped cups with Charlie before downing the contents. As much as he typically enjoyed this much-beloved game, he wasn’t feeling it tonight. Had too much on his mind. But his hopes that this pastime would keep him distracted were swiftly falling by the wayside. This was their third round, the tie breaker, both teams already having won one, and yet, despite his growing intoxication, Breck’s brain was still in disarray.

Still unsettled about the way things had ended yesterday with Kai.

Crowded around the table, spectators laughed in drunken amusement, bumping and shuffling to get a better view.

Breck set the cup aside and looked at Charlie. “Jump shots?”

Charlie nodded. “On three. One… two…”

Both leapt up in place, flicked their wrists, and launched their ping-pong balls across the table.

Splash. Barely grazing the rims.

“Woohoo!” Charlie crowed. “Right back atcha, muthafuckas!”

Jegs and Reggie merely grunted, retrieving the balls before partaking of the respective cups.

But then Jegs grinned and shot Reggie a look. Wordless communication.

Reggie smirked and glanced behind them. “Give us some room.”