Kai tamped a grin as he led him over. “Welcome toFantasy Isle. One of Dom District’s yearly exhibitions.” He stopped at the first of the constructs. All around it, spectators crowded close, their noses all but pressed against the thick tinted glass.

Breck tried to peer over them. He was tall but not super tall. “What’s it about?”

“Think virtual reality but with no simulations. The real McCoy.”

Breck looked at him, still not appearing to understand, then turned back and tried again to see inside. “Why’s it called Fantasy Isle?”

“Because the sets and scripts are based on specific fantasies. Those submitted by District members a few months in advance.”

“Okay… So they bring in a stage set and perform a skit. How’s that virtual reality?”

“Because it’s interactive. One of the characters in the ‘skit’ is a patron—who gets to enact the fantasy with a professional actor.”

Breck stilled and looked back at Kai. “No way. Just some guy from the crowd? While everyone and their mother frickin’ watches?”

“Right. Well, minus the mothers. No women are permitted inside The District.”

Breck smirked and rolled his eyes.

Kai laughed. “Besides, it’s two-way glass. They can’t see the crowds outside, nor can they hear them. The rooms are soundproof. To them, they’re as intimately alone as two people can get.”

“Or in this case, three people.” Breck gestured inside the structure. “Can’t see what they’re doing but there’s definitely a third.”

“Hmm.” Kai couldn’t see much either. “Come on. Gonna move us closer.”

He maneuvered them through the masses for a better look. A spot up front opened up so he quickly assumed it. A nice, unobstructed view of a prison cell and three inmates. Kai eyed the title of the act on the construct’s exterior.Negotiations: Sealing the Deal. Breck read it, too, then peered inside.

Already in progress, two burly fur daddies were wrapping up a ‘chat’ with their newest cellmate. Looking anxious, the new guy gave a nod, then muttered reluctantly, accepting their terms. “Okay… Every night at lights out… In exchange for your continued protection.”

Breck glanced around, no doubt wondering how he could hear them so well. Kai gestured to some small, discreet speakers for patrons in close proximity. Breck regarded them then looked back at the set. The older detainees had just swapped smirks and now the larger of the two was doling out instructions.

“Lose your clothes. Time to seal the deal.”

The newest guy stiffened, then sputtered, “Seal the deal? But it’s not lights out.”

“S’okay. Most are out in the prison yard.”

New Guy glanced toward the door, looking openly stressed.

“Don’t worry.” The other inmate smiled. “We’ll make it quick.”

New Guy swallowed, but eventually ditched his duds. Meanwhile, the other two climbed onto one of the beds. One set up post at the foot of the mattress. The other moved to the head and rested against the wall. Grinning, he gestured for the newbie to come and join them. Naked Guy hesitated, glancing between them, then climbed aboard. Some bodily maneuvering followed suit after that. A few moments later and the heat level had spiked; a dick in Naked Guy’s mouth, another in his ass.

And then moans. So many low, happy moans.

Coming not just from the two, but from all freaking three.

Breck stared in morbid fascination, then turned to Kai. “This was some dude’sfantasy?”

Kai smiled. “Evidently.”

Breck turned back to the trio. “So then… which one’s the actor?”

“Hmm.” Kai eyed the participants thoughtfully. “My guess would be the newbie. Pretty sure I recognize the other two. They look familiar.”

Breck swallowed as he continued to watch. Kai wondered if he resonated with this fantasy. And if so, which character he’d want to play. Something about Breck made Kai suspect he’d enjoy both roles.

Before long, things turned exceptionally frenzied, loud cries and hungry growls streaming incessantly from the speakers. Breck fidgeted, as if uneasy being a spectator. No surprise. One needed to ease into voyeurism and get accustomed.