Breck seemed to like that. “Alright. I will.”

“Good. Let’s go.” Kai headed for the garage’s exit. And just like that, they were walking hand in hand.

Breck tensed whenever others came into view, but eased up just as quickly once they’d finally passed, each subsequent lack of interaction seeming to reassure him. Exiting the parking garage, they crossed a lamppost-lit street, then covered the remaining distance to Dom District’s low-profile entrance.

Hand in hand, they scaled the concrete steps.

“Kai,” the bouncers greeted. A different pair than the two he’d seen last Friday night.


The leather-clad duo looked Breck over, then peered back at Kai. “Who’s this?”

“My sub.”

The men swapped looks, surprised. “You’ve taken one on?”

A question Kai had definitely seen coming. To date, he’d never brought a sub. In fact, it was common knowledge that he didn’t typically date that sect. No doubt the reason why so many subs here viewed him as such a challenge. Forever and always endeavoring to bethe one.

“I have.” Kai glanced at Breck. “As you can plainly see, this one is exceptional.”

Breck shifted as the two men reassessed him, their appreciative eyes lingering longer this time.

“He certainly is,” the larger one agreed.

His counterpart grinned a little. “Care to share?”

Breck stilled, then shot Kai a look.

Kai tamped a chuckle. “We’ll be entering now.”

Both men smirked, then parted the gate and shoved open the doors. “In you go.” One smiled at Breck. “Don’t havetoomuch fun.”

Breck stiffened at his tone. Then narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to reply.

But before he could get one word out, Kai tugged him inside. “No speaking to others,” he reminded. “Only me.”

“Shit,” Breck muttered. “Almost forgot.” But then he peered around and, quick as a snap, was completely distracted. “Holy fuck...” His jaw went slack. In his defense, the atmospherewasovertly stimulating, the throb of loud, gritty music penetrating through the ocean of leather-clad men.

Kai paused to let him absorb what he was seeing. An environment unlike any other. But not just in terms of attendees and music. The interior of the building alone was provocative as hell. A hybrid of both industrial and medieval vibes. Gray stone walls with wrought iron embellishments. Exposed black pipes. Huge suspended chains. Mammoth columns. Concrete floors. And high above the second level, expansive skylights. Which, during the day, bathed the District’s wide-open center with ample sunlight.

The place was hopping. Packed to the gills. Men of every shape and size milling about, making the music-saturated energy of their surroundings vibrate with an underlying thrum.

He watched as Breck checked out the patrons, his gaze cutting from one flavor of male to the next. Every now and then lingering longer on a particular type. Like the guys he was checking out now. Their bodies ripped and decked out in black PVC. Although, what undoubtedly caught Breck’s attention were the gas masks beneath their hoods. Emanating a dubious, enigmatic air. A very big turn on, incidentally, in the BDSM community.

Breck’s lips parted as he watched them, their swagger cunning. Exuding risk. Enticing—nodaring—anyone brave enough to approach them for some fun. Because with those guys, what one saw was what one got. The kind of sex that pushed a man to his limits. Brought to the brink, then kept there indefinitely when suddenly exposed to their handlers’ torment. Elicited bouts of jarring fear. Typically involving oxygen deprivation. Merciless. Unrelenting. Reducing their minds to a riotous mess. Their bodies overrun with adrenaline amidst their frantic need to come.

Those two men would serve up ecstasy on a platter from hell.

“Come on.” Kai smiled. “Lemme show you around.” They headed left, passing The District’s most popular bar.

Breck regarded it and then looked at Kai. “The Den? Like for lions and foxes?” His smirk was playful.

Kai chuckled. “Sure, let’s go with that.” He’d certainly seen plenty of silver foxes inside. And if lions were known for stalking their prey, then some of those were prowling around in there, too.

Breck peered inside as they walked past the entrance, only to slow a second later with an incredulous gawk. “Are those two guys—”

“Yes,” Kai laughed, pulling him along.