Breck coughed a laugh. “And you’d have wasted your money.”

Kai grinned. “Next time.”

“Nope. Not even then.”

We’ll see about that. Kai had the feeling that, if given enough time, he could talk Breck into trying out just about anything.

Breck eyed him as if reading his mind, then reached back to grapple with the buckle. “Ugh. Help me get this off.”

“Wait. One more item.” Kai motioned back to the box.

Breck frowned and dropped his hands. “There’smore?” He took another look, cocked his head in confusion—then stiffened completely. “Is that a fuckingcollar?”

Kai crossed his arms and chuckled. “Why, yes, it is.”

“Like for adog?”

Kai’s smile ebbed. “No. For asub.”

Breck picked it up, regarding it skeptically. “Subs wear collars?”

“They do. In many cases, it’s a statement.”

“Of what?”

“That a sub’s been officially claimed by his Dom. Most wear them as a badge of honor and part of their daily attire.”

Breck quieted, then met his gaze. “So, if I wear this, it’s saying I’m claimed… by you?”

Kai inclined his head in affirmation.

“And if I don’t wear it?”

“It’s telling the establishment that we’re both still free agents.”

Breck stilled, then regarded Kai thoughtfully, a look of possessiveness suddenly flashing in his eyes. “Whatever,” he muttered quickly, swiping the collar from the box. He handed it to Kai. “We’rejust pretending. Might as well see if it fits.”

Just pretending, Kai repeated to himself, not lost to the fact that a part of him wished that wasn’t the case.

Taking the band of black leather and handcrafted studs, he closed in once more and fastened it around Breck’s throat.

Breck held his gaze. “It fits,” he rasped huskily.

“It does indeed. Like it was made just for you.”

Breck swallowed, his focus dipping to Kai’s mouth, his eyes growing heavier behind his latex mask. Next thing Kai knew, Breck was pulling him close for another kiss. As if he’d been chomping at the bit this whole time, barely holding back.

Kai rumbled softly, giving in to the moment, one hand winding around Breck’s waist, the other palming Breck’s nape at the base of his skull. And didn’t Breck’s collar beneath his palm make things that much hotter. And yet, Breck seemed to have forgotten about it, content with focusing on his tongue in Kai’s mouth.

And, fuck, was that tongue delectable. All warm and eager as it tangled with Kai’s. Sensuously, wordlessly communicating Breck’s earnest desire. That he wanted Kai. Passionately. In any way Kai would give him. A notion that, truth be told, made Kai harder than hell. If they kept this up, he was going to scratch their plans and toss Breck into his bed.

Severing their kiss, he rested his forehead against Breck’s. “Go change,” he murmured, unbuckling the hood. “Before I change my fucking mind about goinganywhere.”

“And that’d be abadthing?” Breck mumbled. He reached for Kai’s head to fuse their lips again.

Kai stayed his hand. “Remember the reason we’re going?”

Breck frowned, as if struggling to think straight. “Right… So I’ll be familiar with the place when I’m there for your gig.”