An unbidden image slid to the forefront of his mind. Breck bound. Hands restrained. Famished, but helpless. Eyes imploring Kai to help. Which Kai did, giving him bites with just his fingers. Then feeding a different part of his body into Breck’s mouth…

Breck’s deep-throated moan yanked Kai back to now.

“Holy shit, Kai. This isso fucking good.”

Ah.He won the battle with that shrimp.

Kai shifted on his stool, his shorts suddenly snugger. “I’m glad you like it.” He took a bite and resumed his meal.

A few moments later though, Breck cursed again. Another crustacean had evaded his mouth.

Kai’s lips twitched as he chewed, observing him. Deciding to show mercy, he made a quick trip to the silverware drawer.

“Thanks,” Breck muttered as Kai handed him a fork. A small, sheepish smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

“Of course. Wouldn’t want any distractions taking away from my labors.”

Breck nodded in full agreement, then just like that, was shoveling down bite after bite. Eventually though, he did slow down, as if determining he’d sufficiently made up for lost time. Wiping his mouth, he shifted his focus back to Kai. “So, your mom, you said she’s Japanese?”

“Yes. And Korean.”

Breck took a swig of tea. “How about your dad?”


Breck’s brows popped. “For real? They say Brazilians are the most beautiful people in the world.”

Kai eyed him. “Do they now. And what doyousay?”

Breck blinked. “Oh… Um… Well… They’re certainly not hard on the eyes.”

Kai grinned a little. “He and Mom met in California. But it didn’t work out, so… he headed back home before I was born.”

“Ah. So, that’s why you kept your mom’s name.”

“It is indeed.”

They took a few more bites, but Kai could sense Breck’s brain churning. As if he wasn’t done with the talking and was merely prioritizing the many questions he wanted answered most.

A heartbeat later, he was back to wiping his mouth. “So…your class on Friday went well?”

Thatwas the question he wanted answered most?

Kai’s lips quirked. No, Breck was just easing into his investigation. The beginnings of a nonchalant dig for information. Which amused Kai but also made him curious. What exactly was Breck hunting for? And for that matter, why did his interest make Kai want to smile?

“Yes, it went perfectly. Without a hitch.” He took another bite.

Breck watched him expectantly. When Kai didn’t elaborate, he asked, “So… everyone liked your design?”

“They did. Very much, in fact.”

Breck nodded. “That’s good.” A weighted pause. “So… they got to play?”

And there it was. A solid direction to his inquiries. Kai swallowed his bite and met Breck’s gaze. “Yes. Rather extensively.”

Breck fiddled with his placemat. Nodded again. “And… how’d things go with your model?”

Kai reached for his tea, took a sip, and set it back down. Returned his gaze to Breck’s and nodded. “They went fine.” He suspected what Breck was after, what he wanted to hear, but decided to play it safe and chose to not assume.