Tad’s brows hiked up into his bangs. “Uh…yeah. Scott’s mentioned The District before.”

“TheDistrict? NotDomDistrict?”

“Same thing.” Tad waved a hand dismissively. “It’s actually called Dom District but people call it either.”

“Ah, gotcha.” Breck made a mental note.

“Anyway,” Tad continued. “Scott used to pull some monitoring shifts there from time to time.”

Nice. They were finally getting somewhere.

Breck sat up straighter. “Really? Wow. So, like, what’s the place about?”

Tad glanced around, as if they were talking about confidential shit. “Well, I mean, I’m not super versed on the specifics, but I get the impression it’s like its own private community. Pretty hush hush.”

Breck smirked. “Like, what, some secret society?”

“More like some secret hard-core sex club.” Tad laughed a little. “But just for guys.”


Breck scratched his cheek. “You ever gonna go there?”Good God.His timbre just dropped like ten fucking octaves.

Luckily, Tad hadn’t seemed to notice. Was busy at the moment fighting an adorably boyish grin. “God help me, but yeah, I might. Scott says he wants to take me…for shits and giggles.”

Breck chuckled. “Yougottatell me how that goes.”

Tad snorted. “Depending onhow that goes, I’m not promising anything.”

“Fair enough,” Breck laughed. He quieted a second later. “So, you’re not nervous or anything? You know… about going to that place?”

“Yeah. Sure. Of course.” He shrugged. “But honestly, dude? I just came out of the closet. Andnothing’sas scary asthat. So, I figure if I could takethaton, I can pretty much handle anything. Within reason.”

He lifted a French fry and added, “Whichisn’tto say I won’t be keeping in mind how much Scott loves to make me squirm. Because I will.” He shook his head. “That man, I swear it turns him on. So, don’t get me wrong; I’ll definitely still be bracing for some embarrassing shit.”

Breck snickered. “Your man sounds like a punk.”

“Oh, he absolutely is. But for some reason, my dumb ass totally loves it. Makes shit fun, ya know? Especially when I punish him for it later.”

Breck quirked a brow. “Punish? Nowyousound like a Dom.”

Tad’s lips curved… and then he flushed. “Scott’s a very good teacher.”

Breck made a face. “Idon’twanna know.”

“Good. ’Cause I wasn’t gonna tell you.”

Breck laughed. “So that’s all you got on that District place? No tales of psychopathic sadists or torture chambers?”

Tad tamped a chuckle. “No. Just a shit ton of guys whose idea of having fun is, well, varied andunique.”

Breck pondered that. Didn’t sound overly concerning. And if Scott was fine with taking Tad, then it must not be so bad. In truth, being around so many guys of like orientation sounded almost refreshing. A safe, communal space to congregate, tailored specifically for them.

Breck peered across the table at his buddy. If shy guy Mitchel could brave it, then so could he. Besides, he’d be wearing a face covering. And Kai would be with him the whole time, watching his back.


An odd warmth welled in his chest.