Again, Tad studied him. “Doyou? Want to date a guy?”

Breck’s insides clenched.Jesus. Tad typically wasn’t sodirect. “What?” he laughed tightly. “You’re kidding, right? Are you not aware of me and Ned’s year-long contest? Involvingwomen?” Flustered, he drank down more of his soda.

Tad just looked at him and shrugged. “You could be bi.”

Breck choked on his drink. Started coughing. Tad was hittingwaytoo close to the mark.

Forcing a laugh, he cleared his throat and glanced around. “Jesus, Mitchel. This stuff intrigues me,that’s all. Makes me think about reality. And how lifecouldbe without all the social conditioning.”

Fortunately, Tad seemed to vibe with that answer. He nodded and took another bite.

Not wanting to push his luck any further on that front, Breck shifted the conversation. “So, you’re moving in with Scott.”

Tad’s demeanor instantly lit like the sun. “Yeah. Can’t wait.” He grinned. “Almost done packing. Then this Sunday’s the move.”

“Need any help? I got my car. Could take a few boxes.”

“Dude. That’d beawesome.” Tad wiped his mouth. “Thank you.Yes.”

Breck smiled, happy to help, then continued on track. “How do you feel about living with Max? That guy’s hard-core, yeah? Like, a serious Dom?”

Tad made a face and put his burger down. Drank his lemonade. “Yeeeaaaaah, that’s gonna be interesting. He’s definitely an ornery one. And it certainly doesn’t help that we got off to a rough start. But, you know, he’s warming up to me… I think. Although… Hmm. Maybe not. Shit, I dunno. He’s hard to read.”

Breck tamped a laugh. “Scott’ll protect you.”

Tad grunted. “Yeah. Max learned the hard way not to gothatroute.”

Breck’s brows shot high. “Whoa, what? Theyscrapped?Because ofyou?”

Tad sighed. “The situation was fucked.”

“I wanna ask.”

“Please don’t,” he laughed. “Just know that Max won’t ever try to mess with me. Like,ever.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “But even if he did, I could totally take him.” He flashed Breck a grin. “I’d take his ass down with myHarland Hurricane.”

Breck barked out a laugh.That arrogant fucker. To date, the Harland Hurricane was Tad’s favorite move to use on Breck. But that wasn’t enough. He’d had tonameit after him as well. “Do it.” He smirked, in spite of himself. “He won’t know what hit ’em. God knows I never fuckin’ do.”

Tad snickered and took another bite as Breck deliberated on how to proceed.

“Ever been in his dungeon?”

Tad choked on his burger. Gulped down some fluids. “Um… Yes.”

Is he blushing?

How very interesting.

Breck laughed. “Is that all I get?Yes? Come on. Fuckin’ spill. What’s it like? Kinda sounds intense.”

“It is,” Tad concurred. “Very much so. But… some of the shit in there, I’m not gonna lie, is pretty cool.”

“Cool?” Breck’s brows went up again.

“Okay, make thathot.” Tad’s cheeks flushed pinker, even as he fought a grin.

Damn. Now Breck’s curiosity was on fire. Exactly what sort of stuff did Max have in his lair? And would that District place Kai wanted to take Breck to have comparable things?

Still messing with his coaster, he went on. “That night at Scott’s place… The night Kai dommed for Sean… After you and Scott left, Kai told me he worked at a place like Max’s dungeon.” Fuck it, the littlest white lie. “Called it Dom District or something. You ever heard of that place?”