“Youasshole,” Reggie muttered. “I despise you.”

Jegs laughed. “Hey, don’t hate on a brother for being fine. When there ain’t enough to go around, I gotta improvise.”

Charlie laughed as Breck eyed Mr. Fine. Because now he was curious as hell. When he’d spotted them, he’d been way too drunk to do the math. Hadn’t realized that they’d been heading off to go and do all ofthat.

But now Breck was studying Jegs in a whole new light. Had Jegs and that other guy just been sharing the girl? Or did Jegs, like Breck, like to sample from both buffets? In hindsight, Jegshadseemed surprisingly chill when that ‘infamous initiation prank’ had been pulled on them three years ago. He’d certainly gone all out on those two lap dances he gave. Come to think of it, Jegs was the first of the initiates to accept the gay-sex challenge.

Interesting. Breck regarded his friend.

Next thing he knew though, all eyes had shifted to him.

“And what the fuck wasyourdeal?” Reggie grunted, clearly still irritated by Jegs’ score. “You deflected every fine fucking female that came your way.”

Shit. Should’ve seen that one coming. Feigning indifference, he gave a shrug. “Way too drunk.”

Charlie laughed. “Like that’s ever stopped you before.”

Jegs studied Breck. “Or maybe it has. I haven’t seen you with a honey inweeks.”

His observation had the others eyeing Breck closer as well.


Breck shifted uncomfortably. Rubbed his head. Forced another shrug.

“Fuck,” Charlie breathed. “You’ve got the VD.”

Breck blinked, then blanched, appalled. “What?No. Jesus, dog. I do not havethe fucking VD.”

Jegs and Reggie howled in laughter.

Lips twitching, Breck shook his head.

“Well, then why?” Charlie countered. “You used to score, like, every night.”

“Not quitethatoften.”

“Fine. Whatever.At leastonce a week.”

Ugh. Breck didn’t want to have this conversation. “I dunno, okay? I guess I’ve just been… overly stressed.” Which was true. He most definitely had been. It just wasn’t the reason he’d been chilling on the sex.

Charlie thought about that, then nodded. “I getchu, man. Shit’s been heavy and a lot’s coming up.” He swept his gaze between the four of them. “Anyone else startin’ to bug about the Draft?”

“And the Invitational… And the trainings…” Reggie rattled off. “The Chicago Combine. There ain’t enough alcohol on this planet to get that shit off my brain.”

Jegs puffed out his chest and lifted his chin. “Not me. I’m not worried at all. Come Draft Night, they’re gonna be fighting over my ass.”

Charlie snorted. “And if they’re not?”

Reggie snickered. “He’ll be down on his knees waiting for the cue to open up.”

Jegs smirked and grabbed his crotch. “Naw, homie. That’ll beyou. But here’s my fuckin’ dick so you can practice.”

Breck chuckled as Charlie laughed.

Reggie scoffed. “I’ll show you practice. Bend over and grab your ankles.”

Jegs wagged his brows, then turned to Breck, getting back on track. “So, are you comin’ or what? Let’s play some ball.”