“We gotta set the example,” Jegs had insisted, shoving a beer in Breck’s hand. “Show the underclassmen how it’s done.”

“Yeah,” Charlie had concurred. “Those fuckers are always watching. Don’t ruin the image, Old King Cole. Time to drink and be merry!”

To his detriment, Breck had succumbed. Had rationalized that soon he wouldn’t be able to drink hardly at all. What with his basketball obligations just over the horizon. He’d need to be in tiptop shape. Besides, he’d kind of needed the distraction. Having just come back from Kai’s, his brain had been in all sorts of disarray.

So, he’d capitulated and proceeded to get ripped. To the point where the three of them had started showing off their tattoos again. All standing chests-to-backs so their letters lined up. Which, of course, the ladies had eaten up. And, God, had they’d descended in droves. Hitting on Breck incessantly as if their opportunities were running out. Something he supposed in a way was true. With graduation behind them, these parties wouldn’t be happening for very much longer.

Thing was, thanks to his encounter with Kai, he hadn’t been feeling it. Foranyof them. Which was saying a lot. There’d been some seriously hot mamas there—and he’d been ridiculously drunk.

Although, in truth, he hadn’t been into them for a while. Ever since Kai had set up camp in his brain. Add to that the way he’d been feeling after Kai’s and, yeah, hitting it with a hoochie just wasn’t on his to-do’s. For the unforeseeable future.

Which didn’t mean they hadn’t been in his face—because, goddamn, they’d been relentless. Climbing all over his lap. Sandwiching him in. Granted, they’d been wasted, too, but that had actually made things worse. A drunk, emboldened honey is a force to be reckoned with. And when they worked as a team?Holy hell. At times, he’d felt like a slab of meat, surrounded by a pride of female lions. Jesus, their hands had been everywhere. Pretty sure he could’ve filed a few sexual harassment complaints.

Breck sighed and rubbed his eyes.

Nevertheless, he’d managed to fend them off, in spite of how inebriated he’d been. Sometimes pawning them off on others. Sometimes giving them the slip. Which, yes, earned him some baffled stares from the guys. At the time though, he hadn’t cared. For shit’s sake, he’d already orgasmed that evening more times than he could count.

Thanks to Kai’s toys. And his incredible dick.

Breck shifted on the front stoop at the memory, the ache in his ass instantly grabbing his attention. A constant reminder of their time together. And again, the main reason he’d ended up drinking last night. But he hadn’t known what else to do. He’d been obsessing ever since he’d left Kai’s place. Behavior that wasn’t like him. And most definitely wasn’t cool. He never let people steal his attention. It’d unsettled him and made him feel like he’d had to take action.

But in truth, drinking hadn’t helped.

Hell, if anything, it’d made his mind-fuck even worse.

Which, in hindsight, was probably what had fed all the ladies’ bravado. They’d thought his boner had been in response to them. When in actuality, it’d been for the guy just a few streets over.

Breck groaned and scrubbed his forehead just as his buddies walked out.

“Yo, King Tut,” Jegs beckoned. “Come shoot some hoops with us over at the court.” He tromped down the steps in a tank top and shorts, holding a basketball under his arm.

Charlie and Reggie descended behind him.

“Seriously?” Breck groused. “After partying all night?”

“No one said we felt great,” Charlie grunted. “In fact, Dr. Drill Sargent didn’t even ask.” He shot Jegs a disgruntled glower.

“Pssht,” Reggie chided. “It’s your own dumbass faults for drinking so much.”

Breck smirked and flicked him the bird.

Reggie grinned. “Oh, and thanks for that pass last night. That sweet little kitten you directed my way?” He growled and made a face. “She was atiger. All pouncing on my—”

“Stop!” Jegs cut him off, his expression disgusted. “Keep that shit to yourself. Jesus, bro. No one here wants images of your dick all up in their heads.”

Charlie laughed, then winced as if the action had pained him. “Well, she couldn’t have been worse than the chick who lured me in. My back looks like a goddamn scratching post. And look.” He pulled down his collar. “She left a monster fucking hickey!”

Jegs rolled his eyes and shoved him. “Bro,shut up. We all know you’re wearing that like a badge of honor. You’ve shown it toliterallyeveryonein this fucking house.”

Breck laughed, unable to help it. Although, in Charlie’s defense, he totally understood. The honey he’d hooked up with had been unreal. Like supermodel material. Ten out of ten. Any guy would wear her mark with pride.

Reggie laughed, too, then looked at Jegs. “And what about you, you shameless whore. Word is you ducked out witha pair. Don’t you fucking tell me you had a threesome.”

Jegs stilled as if taken off guard, but then quickly threw on a smug little rakish grin. “I may or may not have had a ménage à trois.”

“Holy fuck.” Charlie gaped “Are you shitting me?”

Even Breck’s eyebrows hiked in surprise. Because, no, Jegs wasn’t kidding. Breck could see it clear as day in his eyes. Except, now that he thought about it, it hadn’t been like the others were thinking. Breck had caught the three of them heading upstairs last night, and onlyoneout of their little trio had been a girl. The other participant had been aguy.