Kai ground his molars and fought not to thrust. Gripped the base of Breck’s cock and squeezed his shoulders with his thighs.

Breck groaned around his glans, his sucks turning urgent.

Another orgasm was brewing.

Kai released Breck’s shaft and scooted downward until Breck’s chest was just above his head. Which, in turn, forced Breck’s avidly working mouth to relinquish his cock. Breck let go with a sound of protest. Kai reached up, clutched Breck’s glutes and maneuvered him forward. The action caused Breck’s upper body to angle higher—and his lower body to tilt even farther down. Putting Breck’s beautifully exposed, athletic ass within perfect reach.


Holding Breck upright, Kai squeezed his cheeks and then spread them wide. Breck moaned as his body writhed. Kai lifted his head and dragged his tongue up Breck’s taint, pausing briefly to circle that knot, then laved his tender hole.

Mmm... More young, masculine male and Piña Colada.

The taste had Kai nearly delirious.

Breck panted. “Oh, my God…” His hole clenched feverishly against Kai’s tongue.

So impossibly arousing.

And, wow, Kai could actually feel those balls. Their subtle little tremor emanating from just inside Breck’s backdoor. A vibration that, without any question, was wreaking pure havoc on both Breck’s body and his mind.

Breck trembled, then abruptly gasped. “Oh, shit—” He was right on the very brink.

Kai held him secure and pressed his tongue against Breck’s ring. He wanted to feel, totastethe wonder of his orgasm.

A split second later, Breck barked, “Oh, fuck!” Then his body went berserk.

And as his dick got back to steadily leaking, his taint pulsating furiously against that knot, his tight little ring of muscle spasmed feverishly against Kai’s tongue. Kai growled, relishing the heady sensation, then clutched Breck’s nuts and cinched them tightly at the top. Tugging and gently squeezing as Breck continued to quake.

God, was his body magnificent. Yet even ‘magnificent’ didn’t truly suffice. There were genuinely no words to describe its intoxicating reactions. Never in Kai’s thirty years of life could he remember being so turned on.

“Please—” Breck gasped when things finally relented. “No more. Please. I can’t.It’s too fucking intense.”

Kai rumbled reluctantly. He’d wanted to savor this longer. But those balls were admittedly merciless. Left in too long and a guy could lose his mind. Subjectively speaking, of course, depending on the man. Prolonged exposure sent most subs rocketing to subspace for the night.

Giving one last indulgent lave, Kai lowered Breck’s body back to horizontal, then scooted to his original spot and rotated Breck back around.

Breck locked eyes with him, looking dazed. “Please,” he rasped, still panting. “Those balls in my ass need to go.”

Kai tamped a smile. “Are you saying you don’t like them?”

Breck groaned through a shiver. “Just insmaller doses.”

“Mm. Yes. I suppose that makes sense.” He dug into his pocket for the remote, then smiled. “And since you said please…” He shut them off. Breck sagged in relief. Kai reached behind his nuts and cupped his crack. “I permit you,” he murmured huskily, “to give them back.”

Breck blinked, then flushed as if suddenly embarrassed. “Okay. For real. This part is seriously weird.”

Kai laughed. “And being tied up and suspended from my ceiling isn’t?”

Breck’s lips twitched. “Yeah, no joke. What the fuck.”

But his lighthearted expression faded the second he closed his eyes. Shifting his pelvis, Breck flexed his abdomen and steadily bore down. Two heartbeats later and the first of Kai’s balls dropped back into Kai’s hand. The second followed shortly after, with the third emerging swiftly after that. Breck exhaled as his body shivered.

“Thank you.” Kai set the balls aside. “So, are we done with pretend time? You’ve had enough?”

Breck’s eyes popped back open. “What?No. I still need to come. And…” He hesitated.

Kai’s heart thumped, regarding him. “And?”