Tad had laughed at his best friend, the imbecile, then shot Breck a smile bright as the sun and wrapped him up in a hug.“Had my suspicions,”he’d murmured quietly in Breck’s ear.“Congratulations on puttingyourhappiness first.”

To Breck’s left, Tad coughed a laugh at Ned’s comment. “Right? Jay giving Breck grief even transcends the pot calling the kettle black.”

Jay flipped him the bird as he continued kissing Marcie.

“Déjà vu.” Scott grinned, eyeing the PDA and Jay’s middle finger. He turned to Tad. “Remember the nightyoudid that? When we kissed in front of your college building?”

Breck watched as Tad’s expression softened, his eyes going all gazey as he smiled at his man. “OfcourseI remember. My first public display. My heart was going like a jackhammer the entire time.”

“My shy boy, so brave…” Scott rumbled softly. Leaning close, he closed his eyes and pressed his lips to Tad’s.

“Aw, gawd,” Ned groused dramatically. “You guys, too? All this lovey-dovey shit’s gonna make me lose my lobster.” As if on cue, his ringtone blared to life. He glanced at his phone, froze with a gasp, then instantly went googly-eyed. “Oh, my god. It’sher.” He lurched from his chair. “I’ll be right back.”

Breck grinned at the irony that was his friend, the rest of their table laughing as Ned shuffled off to take the call. One of the girls who’d flirted him up on the beach earlier? If so, Breck would definitely be the only one sleeping alone tonight.

Sighing, he glanced back at Tad and Scott. Their waitress had returned and was asking Scott about his order. Tad met Breck’s gaze. Smiled his great Mitchel smile. And just like that, Breck remembered something he’d been wanting to talk to him about.

Turning his way, he cleared his throat. “So, hey, listen. I had a thought.”

“Oh, yeah?” Tad chuckled. He shifted to face him. “All right, hit me. What’s going on?”

“I was wondering if you’ve submitted my interview yet.”

“Not yet, no. Haven’t had a chance, what with the move and then getting ready for this trip. But don’t worry, I will,” he quickly tacked on. “As soon as we get back, I’ll finally have a chance to get it all cleaned up.”

Breck shook his head. “No rush. For real. I was actually kinda wondering if…” He winced a little. “… if we could maybe do a retake.”

Tad lifted his brows. “You wanna redo the interview?”

Breck nodded. “Yeah, ’cause I mean, I’ve been thinking… and it’s like… a lot has changed since then. Or, I dunno, maybe it’s me that’s changed. But looking back on all my answers to your questions… That was the fake me, ya know? The one still wearing a mask. And I’m different now, with everything that’s happened, with coming out. And I want our interview to reflect that. To show the world who Ireallyam.”

Tad smiled, and then that smile turned to a full-fledged beamer. “Fuckyes, dude. Holy shit. That is the best ideaever.”

Breck blinked and sat up straighter. “You think?”

“Hell, yes.” He laughed. “Right before the Draft? My God. Good or bad, you’re gonna be the talk of the town.”

Breck’s stomach knotted at the thought.

“But don’t worry.” Tad slid him a conspiratorial grin. “I’ve got your back. We’ll work that interview to get youall kindsof vocal public support.”

Breck’s heart thumped. If Tad pulledthatoff, he’d owe him for life. “Thanks, Mitchel. I appreciate your help. The future’s not so certain anymore, and… I just wanna do things right.”

Tad nodded, his smile ebbing. “You’ve got this. I’ve got a really strong feeling that, for you, the best is yet to come.”

Breck grinned a little, feeling hopeful, and lifted his fist to Tad’s. How he wished Kai was there so he could tell him the news. He supposed in the meantime, his bestie, Ned would suffice.

But as he glanced in the direction Ned had bolted, he stilled.

Then did a double take, unable to believe his eyes.

Walking straight for him in a tank and cargo shorts, dark hair down at his shoulders, his beautiful bare feet sinking into the sand, was the one person on the face of the earth that he was desperate to see.

Lips parting, he shoved from his seat, nearly knocking it over. “Kai?”

Kai pulled to a stop just a few feet away and donned a devastating smile. Pocketing his hands, he held Breck’s gaze. “Hello, handsome.”

Breck’s heart leapt at the sound of his voice.