Breck bit his lip and fought back a smile.

They reached the exit and Kai set another code. Breck led the way up the stairs to his apartment. And, yes, Kai took advantage of the enticing view. Those dark, thick calves. That lush, round ass. Those lean hips that tapered down from that broad, strong back.

Again, his body stirred with desire. And no, he hadn’t missed the backpack over Breck’s shoulder. If he was correct, and he hoped that he was, it meant Breck planned to stay the night.

Another notion he liked very much.

In fact, he very much hoped that it became a regular affair.

His heart thumped at the thought of such companionship. A partner. A lover. Enjoying every day together and every sensuous night.

They reached the landing at the top of the stairwell. Kai entered the code and led the way inside. Breck followed him in and removed his shoes. Kai, still in martial arts garb, was already barefoot.

“Grab a seat.” Kai gestured to a stool at the island. “Regardless of the reason for your ‘excuse,’ I still plan to feed you.”

Breck smiled and took a seat. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“You’re most welcome, but as you’ll soon learn, I’m just thinking ahead.”

Breck eyed him with a questioning look. Kai grinned, untying the belt of his dobok. “Whenever we ‘hang,’jeja, we burn an astonishing number of calories.”

Breck’s eyes flashed as he adjusted his crotch.

Unable to resist, Kai moved in and took his mouth. Then, after a long, unhurried kiss, he headed off to change his clothes. When he returned, he put on a teapot of water, collected the components to make their meal and got busy assembling. Assembling, because he wasn’t actually cooking. Tonight’s dish was sushi and the rice was already prepared.

Breck watched as he laid out the rolling mat—then tentatively eyed the sheet of nori Kai placed atop it. “That’sseaweed? As in, like,literalseaweed?”

Kai fought a grin, amused by his barely disguised tone of unease. “Yes. Roasted and positively delicious.”

He covered it with a layer of vinegared sticky rice, then flipped it over and laid strips of cucumber down the length of one side. Beside those, narrow slices of avocado. Then lastly, tender crab meat in succulent slabs.

Breck shifted on his stool. “You’repositivethat stuff’s fully cooked?”

“Yes,” Kai laughed, neatly rolling it all up. “And just so you know, I’ve made you the tamest kind of sushi on the face of the planet. Very palatable. I promise you’ll like it.”

“Awesome.” Breck scratched his neck. “So, what’s it called?”

“A California roll. Technically classified as maki-zushi, which just means ‘rolled’ sushi.”

Typically, he’d coat it in fish roe next. This time, however, he opted for sesame seeds on Breck’s behalf. Grabbing a knife, he sliced the log into one-inch pieces, then moved them to a plate and mixed up some soy sauce with a bit of wasabi.

Moment of truth.

He snagged some chopsticks and handed one set to Breck, then presented him with his dish and smiled widely. “Dinner is served.”

Demonstrating how to eat it, he dipped it in the soy sauce, then brought it to Breck’s mouth.

Breck eyed it, then eyed Kai, then eyed it again.

“Open up,” Kai laughed. “You’re gonna like it. I swear.”

Breck parted his lips. Kai inserted the slice, then waited expectantly for Breck to experience this most heavenly wonder.

Breck started to chew, his gaze thoughtfully straying. Moments ticked by. Finally, he swallowed and looked back at Kai. “Damn… That was…good.” He peered down at his plate. “Really different from burgers, but… yeah, I like it. Like, maybe evena lot.”

Kai grinned, inclining his head. “Bon appétit.”

As Breck took another bite, Kai poured them some tea, then made a couple more rolls. Conversation was casual all through dinner. Entertaining and comfortable. Bodies close, limbs brushing. An occasional kiss. Breck made him laugh on more than one occasion, sometimes intentionally, but just as often not. As always, Kai found him adorable and so deliciously endearing. In many ways, his handsome lover was still so young. And yet his spirit, in all its newfound sovereignty, was so dynamic and bright.