A few more minutes and class finally concluded. As students headed off to change, Jin and Dindy beelined a path straight to the lobby. Straight to Breck. Kai grinned and took his time walking over. By the time he arrived, his assistants were in full-blown fanboy mode, pummeling Breck with question after question about the NBA Draft. Breck seemed to answer as best he could, only to be hit by a flood of equally enthusiastic admirers bounding out of the locker rooms.

He flashed Kai an apologetic look. Kai chuckled, more amused than anything, and took his post by the door to bid all of his less enchanted students adieu.

Long moments later, the place was finally empty—minus Breck, Kai, and of course, Kai’s lingering assistants.

Jin beamed up at him. “So, what brings you here, anyway? I forgot to ask.”

Dindy nodded. “Yeah, what’s the occasion?”

“Um...” Breck shifted his weight and smiled at Kai. “I’ve actually got plans with your Grandmaster tonight. He’s gonna make me dinner.”

Kai lifted a brow. “Oh, am I now.” This was news to him. Although, in truth, he’d hoped for as much and already had stuff prepared.

“Yeah. Don’t you remember?” Breck’s smile turned wry. “I teach you the ways of basketball and you feed me food.”

Dindy and Jin glanced back and forth between them, their expressions a mix of confusion and suspicion, but mostly out-and-out envy.

“Damn.I’llfeed you food,” Dindy offered brazenly.

“Hell, yeah. Me, too,” Jin quickly chimed in. “I make a mean bowl of noodles.”

Breck tamped a laugh. “Sorry. Only got time for one apprentice.” He shot Kai a grin that said,imagine beingmypupil for a change.

Kai’s lips twitched. “Tough break,” he muttered to his helpers. “Now, please see to your tasks so I can close this place up.”

They sighed but didn’t look too surprised.

“Oh, well. Had to try.” Dindy turned to Jin. “Let’s get this done. Last one finished buys Chipotle. I’m in the mood for a burrito bowl with lotsa black beans andsteak.”

“Pfft,” Jin grunted as they headed off. “I’m not agreeing to that. Last time you cheated, so you still owemeTaco Bell.”

Kai’s grin quirked as he tracked them over his shoulder. He was going to miss those two now that they’d graduated and were leaving soon.

“So…” Breck rocked on his heels. “My bad about that traffic jam with your students. I guess I should’ve waited until they’d left before—”

“I’m glad you came exactly when you did. I was impatient to see you.” Kai offered him an affectionate smile. In truth, he’d been jonesing to see Breck since… well, since he’d left his apartment. Which incidentally, was only just this morning. Like, eight hours ago.

God Almighty, he had it bad for this kid.

Breck smiled and shifted his weight. “Yeah… same.”

Hmm. It seemed his aspiring NBA hopeful had it bad for him, too.

In less than ten, his helpers were headed for the door. Kai respectfully swapped bows with both of them, then set the passcode behind them and flipped the door sign to ‘closed.’

Turning to Breck, who’d been patiently waiting, Kai grinned and gestured to the exit at the far side of the room. “Your dinner awaits.”

Breck’s smile turned sheepish as they started walking. “Yeah… about that. I wasn’t really expecting you to make me a meal. That was just my excuse.”

“Excuse for what?”

“You know… for me stopping by. I mean, I guess Icould’vebeen more specific… Next time, you want me to say I came to hang and have some sex?”

Kai laughed and slid him a look. “That might be a bittoospecific. They know I’m a rigger, so ‘hang and have sex’ could be taken quite literally.”

Breck laughed, too. “Oh, damn. Yeah, TMI.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I like the notion very much.”