Still, Breck could relate to each one’s attitude. He’d been entrenched in the exact same game twenty minutes ago when the four of them had gone balls to the wall in a Mario Kart tournament. They’d enticed him into it as soon as he’d walked in the door, a feat that wasn’t too difficult considering the high-as-a-kite mood he’d been in. He’d just slam-dunked it with his parents, after all, and was officially riding the I’m-finally-fucking-free soul train.

In other words, his happy ass had been on cloud fucking nine.

Besides, he’d had some time to kill since Kai was teaching classes until five o’clock. He was due for a carefree, non-alcohol-related hangout with his basketball homies. It hadn’t hurt that Mario Kart was one of his favorite games.

And yet, during the expanse of those two ball-busting hours, as he won some and lost some and laughed alongside his tightest three fraternity brothers, the right time never arose to tell them about him and Kai. The setting just hadn’t felt right, barely a break between races to take a piss let alone formulate a whole‘hey, guess what?’So, he’d put it on hold for another time. Not that he didn’t want to tell them, because he totally did. Now that he’d gotten the sweet taste of secret-free existence, he wasn’t ever going back. If not today, then absolutely tomorrow. One way or another, they’d know soon enough.

Hiking his backpack strap up higher on his shoulder, he beelined it for the exit, but had to pass the TV room along the way.

“Hey, hey! The king returns!” Charlie called from the couch. “And perfect timing. We just finished a tournament and a new one’s starting in— Whoa, wait, where’re you goin’?”

Breck pulled to a stop.Fuck it. That ‘right time’ he’d been looking for had just presented itself.Round three. Again, his heart picked up speed. He turned to his friends and donned a smile. “Got a date with a hottie.”

“Adate?” Jegs sputtered incredulously. “But you’re Breck theUnattainable.”

Breck smiled a little wider. “Not so unattainable anymore.”

His friends swapped looks, their mystified expressions more than a little bit comical. Breck coughed a laugh and scratched his neck. “I know, right? Totally weird.”

Reggie eyed him skeptically. “Uh huh. And who exactly is this hottie?”

Here goes nothing.

He folded his arms and casually answered. “Kai.”

All three guys furrowed their eyebrows in unison, their faces back to hilarious as they tried to puzzle out his reply. Breck stifled a laugh.

“Dude,what?” Charlie finally asked.

“Holy shit,” Reggie murmured.

“Wait… You mean…” Jegs’ eyes went wide.

“Yup.” Breck grinned, turning back for the door. “This monarch is officially off the menu. I’ve found my own king, and this time I’m playing for keeps.”


“Ten more minutes,” Kai announced as he rounded the mats. “Switch with your partners. I want to see some quality blocks.”

It was his last class of the day, and he was ready to be done. As much as he enjoyed teaching, it just couldn’t compete with what tonight had in store. Before Breck had left, they’d made plans for him to return this evening, and while no specific activities had been discussed, it didn’t matter. Just having him back again would absolutely suffice.

Smiling, he made another lap, inspecting the performances of his room full of students. And yet, even as he scrutinized their movements, a part of his mind remained with Breck. Even now, it was hard for him to fathom how far they’d come, all their reconciliations. They’d scaled over some pretty big hurdles and, despite how rough the road had been at times, he could look back now and smile upon the path he’d taken.

It was almost as if he’d somehow known all along that, amidst all their trials and tribulations, when all was finally said and done, Breck would be worth the gamble.

Behind him, the metal bell jingled above his dojang’s front door. He cut a quick glance over his shoulder and nearly stopped in his tracks. Speak of the devil. Breck, in all his dark, masculine beauty. Kai’s heart lit as he watched him step inside, a backpack over his shoulder, his golden browns scanning the sea of identically dressed, dobok-covered bodies.

Kai shifted to track him inconspicuously in his periphery. It wasn’t lost on him that, unlike last time, Breck wasn’t hiding out around back of his building. Once so very secretive about his lifestyle, hisjejawas now boldly stepping out into the light. Greeting the world in his truth. A whole new level of bravery.

Kai’s chest swelled with pride.

And then Breck spotted him.

Kai turned his way and, just like that, their eyes locked. Instinctively, his body stirred. He slid Breck a smile that murmured,Hello, handsome. So glad to see you again. Breck hiked up his backpack strap and smiled back. And Good God Almighty, the way that smile turned him on.

He cleared his throat and refocused his attention back on his class. Yet, all the while, Breck’s heavy gaze was like a hand skimming over his skin.

Others noticed Breck’s arrival, too. Students openly gazed at Kai’s handsome lover from across the room. His assistants as well, shooting him curious glances, no doubt already speculating about every possible reason for this momentous event.